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ChrisGM's Staff Application - Printable Version

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ChrisGM's Staff Application - ChrisGM - 04-23-2021

In-Game Name(s): Tommy 'Big Hat' Murano || Jake O.Mailey || Noah Evans || Harry Roberts || Lucas Miller
Steam Name: ChrisGM
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199007121006
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:523427639
Discord Username: ChrisGM#5626
Age: 16
Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game): 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 13 Hours, 9 Minutes
Time Zone: EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 4-5 Hours a day (Weekday) || Up to 6 on weekend days
Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have put my time into reading them and understanding them.
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I do.
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes.
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I have previous experience with SAM due to me being staff on a server that used an edited version of it, but I dont have experience with Nutscrpt commands. I dont think it will be a problem anyway due to me being a very fast learner and because of that I am pretty sure I will get the hand of it if I get accepted into the staff team.
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes I understand.
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  I have been playing on the server for some months now and myself has been having a lot of fun playing on it and roleplaying with the rest of the community. I feel like the community is amazing and I would really wanna be a part of the staff team so I can help improve the server to its best. Furthermore, I have also seen that in my timezone or in general the server needs more staff, I also have to say that the current staff are doing an amazing work into keeping the server clear when they are on, but on the other hand as I said due to the lack of staff they cant be keeping the server clear at all times which results in the server having minges and ruining the experience for others and even new players which end up having a bad first look on our server. Last but not least, the server itself has an amazing development team and it really makes me feel that this server can stay alive, active and fun due to its updates, its in fact crazy how much work the developers of the server are putting into it and it really makes me wanna be a member of the staff team so I can help the rest of the team keep the server enjoyable and fun for the rest of the community.
Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  I believe that I am not the best out there but I still think I could be a great staff member due to all of my experience into gmod and roleplaying. I also believe I am a very chill and nice guy, as I have not disrespected someone within out community and I will never will. I try to keep myself kind and calm at all times, which also means I could handle situations with a lot of heat without losing control and being able to treat people right, punish the right people and always keep up a good mood and being kind. Moreover, I am very active and I could be on at times that other staff would not, which also means I could keep the server clear at not that busy times that some players of other timezones still play and having trouble with minges and such. Last but not least, I can also dedicate a lot of work into something I want, which means I can put effort and dedication into staffing on diverge and always improving and keeping up my activity.*
Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): In fact, I was staff on multiple DarkRP servers but I have never been staff on a MafiaRP server before. The main server I was staff on, which I stayed on that community for about 3 years and I had reached the rank of Admin+. Now I was a member of its community for about 3 years but as staff I was for like 3 months before I resigned due to personal reasons and due to the server dying.
Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I have been banned before 2 times, and I am not gonna say I am happy about it. Even tho both of my bans were like 1 month apart and they are like 1 month ago the closest one, I still regret my actions and I never repeated them after my punishment. Now my first ban was me coming back to the server and being AFK and using one of the gambling machines to make money, it was pretty retarded of me to do such thing (About 2-3 months ago). My second ban was me LTARP, it was also pretty retarded because I never realised how bad it can be when someone leaves the server while you trying to do something to him, in my case I was being mugged, I still admitted to it when the admin bringed me and accepted my punishment. Both of the bans was a lesson to me, and those actions were never repeated and still wont.
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  I would not consider my self well known, but some people in the community might know me. All the time I have spent in the server made me meet some amazing people of the community and made me realise how big this community really is from people of different timezones, I have met a lot of americans but also people from europe aswell. Some people might know me from my Paramedic character, my Police character or other characters I have. But again as I said, I would not consider my self very well known, thats up to the community to decide.*
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: I am pretty sure some could put a good word out there for me, but for now I dont have specific names that would recommend me.
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If the victim was me and there were other staff members currently on duty, I would make a ticket for them to handle it to avoid different treatment. But if he was just rdming other people and I was off duty I would obviously stop doing what I am doing and go on duty to deal with it. After all staff is above roleplay at all times and the server needs to be enjoyable and fun for everyone.
You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would indeed contact a higherup within the staff team and let him know about it, I would also try to get some kind of evidence like a video of him doing it and also send the higherup that aswell. And after that, he would be able to deal with it of course.
A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?: If there are other staff available I would notify them about it and let them deal with him, although in case there are not other staff available I would deal with him myself with no different treatment than anyone. Anyone should be given the right punishments and be treated the same as everyone else in the community, no matter how close of friend he is.

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Vex - 04-23-2021

Fat +1 very good app, good grammar, has good intentions for the server. played with him before and i can say he is very mature and would do great on the staff team!

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Exo_Mac - 04-23-2021

+1, one of my favorite users on the server. A dedicated member that fits the staff role.

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - konstans - 04-25-2021

+1 Great guy and would really fit the staff team

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Baldrick - 04-26-2021

+1 Good Format, Would give him a shot on the staff team.

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Romullus - 04-30-2021

+1 The interactions I had with him were good

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Fitz - 04-30-2021

+1 Great application, I feel this person would make a great fit for the staff team. 

I wish you luck with your application!

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Rowdy - 05-03-2021

+1 vouch he is a good dude

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - Cocohop - 05-04-2021

+1 good character. Skim read the app but seems gucci

RE: ChrisGM's Staff Application - ayo - 05-08-2021

This players record and community presence speak for him. Firstly, by your ban record its clear you're not a minge and have good intentions on the server, even admitting when you LTAPed, seeing how all your bans are more than 2 months ago it is clear you've bettered yourself and dropped any mingy habits. Secondly, you have a great community presence, greater than most staff members. You're frequent on both the forums and discord, more specifically the server-suggestions, its clear that you care for the state of the server in both IC and OOC states. Aside from that I've seen you attend almost all community and faction leader meetings. I overall think that this player cares for the sever and community as a whole.