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Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Bob Ross - 08-31-2023

Your Name: Doug Allen / Benny Denero

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:97034501

Your Discord ID#: TheFancyGentleman#6409

Reason for ban: Mass RDM.

Length of ban: Indefinite.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): 
The RP and events leading up to the video below made the shootout seem justifiable. 20 minutes prior to the shootout, members of Kosher Nostra had reportedly shot and hospitalized members of the Bonnano Crime Family. We then received information that factions 14k, Polish, and Maciver were enroute to Little Italy with Class III weapons. 

I was instructed to grab an RPG and get into position to defend our faction territory. After witnessing an army of armed enemies from 3 separate factions begin to occupy our territory, I, alongside 2 other rooftop shooters opened fire. 

Why should you be unbanned?
Admittedly, looking back on the situation, it would have been best to have waited for the armed crowd to open fire. However, at the time, due to the prior incident with Kosher Nostra and their hostile occupation of Little Italy, shooting first seemed justifiable. Myself and two others were ordered to defend our faction territory, and was told if they were armed to, "wait for the right moment," and take them out. I mistakenly interpreted 14k, Polish, and Maciver's armed occupation as "the right moment," and should have waited for them to fire first.

My actions were not intended to break server rules, and am requesting Staff to consider lowering the punishment. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1quKeFgLwfaLwC/d1337tVU4UMz?invite=cr-MSxNb04sNTg4MDA1NTAs

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Baselsamarah8484 - 08-31-2023

After your faction came to the bank and rdm'd me(which is after your faction received information via metagame), and then initiated a shoot-out with 4 other factions High Command members(got their pack smoked btw)- you felt like the best course of action would be to Mass RDM a bunch of people walking around in "your territory"... If you aren't perm banned, then the person who told/coerced you should be. Your Don is an admin of this server and you both have been here for a long time. Don't pretend that you didn't "mean to" just because you got caught slacking lmao.

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - darkfire - 08-31-2023

-1 dirty rdm and metra gamer go crazy

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Monaclu - 08-31-2023

It would appear to me, that you know the rules as you've been on the server a long time. You can't shoot an RPG into a crowd of people before they initiate any kind of combat. Just as, if those people had opened fire on you guys, they would have been banned for mass RDM. Also, the streets are not your territory. You have your property lines and buildings. The streets are not your territory.

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Bob Ross - 08-31-2023

(08-31-2023, 06:07 PM)Monaclu Wrote: It would appear to me, that you know the rules as you've been on the server a long time. You can't shoot an RPG into a crowd of people before they initiate any kind of combat. Just as, if those people had opened fire on you guys, they would have been banned for mass RDM. Also, the streets are not your territory. You have your property lines and buildings. The streets are not your territory.

I admit, looking back on the situation I should have waited for them to initiate. At the time, tensions were high and I mistakenly acted too soon. I misinterpreted the large armed group's presence as an attack on Little Italy, when I should have waited a few seconds longer for them to escalate. 

It's important to recognize the RP events that led up to this incident that influenced my misjudgment to fire first. 

I did not deliberately "mass RDM" to minge or harm the server. This situation is the result of the buildup of tensions between 1 family and 3 factions. 

Due to the details of this situation, I am hoping Staff will consider lowering the punishment.

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Rem - 08-31-2023

Your faction leader claimed that you were not commanded to do anything and this was your own doing.

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - ShowerCoach - 09-01-2023

-1 I was watching and they never fired a shot. I saw you shoot off 2 times into a crowd of people. I believe the ban is just.

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Bob Ross - 09-01-2023

(08-31-2023, 08:30 PM)Rem Wrote: Your faction leader claimed that you were not commanded to do anything and this was your own doing.

I, and 2 others were commanded by my Don to get into position on the rooftops, and was told an armed mob was on the way to take us over.

I was told to defend Little Italy, but was not specifically told when to fire. When I saw the armed crowd in front of La Stanza, I fired early when I should have waited.

My Don did not give the order to fire, but he did order me to bring out our only RPG to defend Little Italy from reported incoming armed enemy factions.

I made the mistake of acting too early. There was a lot of confusion and pressure at that moment. I have been trying to follow server rules and admit I am in the wrong here. Looking back on it, it was a stupid thing to do but at the time I thought I was defending our property. This was not deliberate RDM and if my punishment is reduced I would be a lot more careful before shooting first. 

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Oboshi - 09-01-2023

So what basically happened.
It was a rdm fest back and forth for ooc reason too the point were Polish 14K and Maciver all decided to goto little Italy with class 3's. The point of everyone going to little Italy was to seem intimidating from what I was told. No one was going to open fire at all it was just a big mob of people with guns. I'll give you a point on going on your roof and getting ready too defend cause you have no idea what was about to happen. But, too take out a RPG! go onto a roof and have big trigger finger on your mouse just so you can kill a lot of people. That is what i'm getting with this. I wouldn't have brought a RPG for that cause of this situation. The only type of class 4 would be a browning or a MG42. I was just surprised someone was using a RPG without a war going on. The only thing that was going on was a lot of OOC drama.
You know the rules it seems like and you can always question people when they do give you a order. If that was the case were you were ordered too then this would have be looked over at logs. If someone told you this in discord it's invalid due to metagaming.

RE: Benny Denero Ban Appeal - Aquilla - 09-01-2023

● Examples: Knowingly and intentionally selling drugs on territory you have claimed. You have to establish that they are knowingly doing it, if they did not know then you may assault them or threaten them, but if it is both knowingly and intentional then you have a valid reason. (Murder should be a last resort, often threats or firebombs send much more effective messages. Killing a made man can start a war.)
■ The person in question, must have repeatedly done something to directly harm you, your family, or another member of your family OR unwarranted harm in a financial (+7,500$) or SEVERE physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone JUST for being part of an enemy faction. Having continued gunfights, scams or warnings about territory, money or other continued violent disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (Be sure to record all encounters/transgressions)

The PK rules make a loose mention of claimed territory and it has been enough to provoke wars in the past (e.g. Davis Boys being taxed for being in Lucchese territory ending in a literal RDM war), even though he was not ordered to fire at people entering an area, we have knowingly established a claim over. (and their aggression against it, as the clip clearly shows them instantly disregarding a rule that was commonly made known to all the factions involved) They entered the street with guns raised and looking for conflict the moment they got there as they had previously been gathering together around Pharmacy which we were informed of. Using this information he decided to fire at the people who were knowingly trying to cause war and I don't necessarily blame him for doing so in the context of the RP. There is obviously blame that falls on him for not waiting for things to escalate from their side before opening fire but I don't think a perma is necessarily valid. He has plenty of POs but a lot of them are from over a year ago, the most recent one having been shortened by a huge amount due to the staff member actually listening to him. I don't think there was any ill intent from his side as he believed he was doing what was allowed within the rules and it was a mistake on his part, however being banned permanently for a mistake seems a little excessive. At the end of the day no one was harmed permanently, guns were lost and people got angry but when metagame, a much more harmful act for the server, often nets you bans of 3-14 days I don't think it's necessarily fair. After the fact barely anyone made an RDM ticket as you can see from my own clip posted there, a majority went in knowing they'd have a fight, hence the guns and were not surprised when they died. Honestly just think it's a shame to lose a veteran of the community and decent RPer over RDM.