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The Black Mafia - Printable Version

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The Black Mafia - JuggerFlock22 - 02-08-2024

Name of Faction: The Black Mafia

Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 8 

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc):Family

Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): African American and Italian

Name of Character running the faction: DeVonte Brown

Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): bigcuban226

Your SteamID: 76561198945358417

Your Server playtime: 2w 2d 5h 2m

Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No):Yes

Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes

Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): PD / City hall protests, Black Acceptance Speeches, Singing/Dancing on stage, Selling Guns on the street and in shops, Selling drugs

Image Links: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF8LRM2VlI/EVCeTTUqaiXE25bOr-cM6g/edit?utm_content=DAF8LRM2VlI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We will protest at the PD and city hall for black acceptance, We have a stage dupe that can be placed anywhere for the speeches and singing/dancing, we will sell drugs in RP on the streets and to vendors, we will import drugs and guns, we we will own a gun shop/casino/bar.

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): In the heart of the city, where bright neon lights illuminated the streets teeming with life there existed a darkness—a darkness from which the Black Mafia would emerge.

This tale starts with a man named DeVonte "Brown, a street hustler who harbored aspirations of escaping the poverty and desolation that surrounded him. Having grown up in the neighborhoods of our city Cuban had experience of his peoples struggles, limited opportunities and an overwhelming sense of despair that hung in the air like a dense fog.

Determined to alter his destiny Cuban turned to the streets utilizing his wit and charm to navigate through an underworld. He began small by dealing drugs on street corners and engaging in scams just to make ends meet. However as he climbed up the ladder of influence his ambition soared high. He envisioned something grander—an empire that could rival the most dominant gangs, in our city.

Cubans magnetic personality and craftiness attracted others towards him like moths drawn to a flame. Before long he had gathered a group of followers who were willing to go to any lengths, for their shared goals.Together they formed the core of what would become known as the Black Mafia—a group of marginalized individuals and outsiders who came together driven by their aspirations, for power and wealth.

However with power came adversaries and the path to success was stained with blood. Rival gangs aimed to crush Cuban and his emerging organization perceiving them as newcomers in need of a lesson. Intense street battles were fought lives were. Alliances were made and broken in the blink of an eye.

Amidst it all Cuban remained resolute keeping his focus firmly on the goal. He understood that controlling the drug trade was the key to unlocking prosperity within the citys boundaries. He spared no expense in ensuring his dominance, over this market—dealing in heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine—flooding the streets with their merchandise while reaping profits from their illicit business.

Nonetheless as the Black Mafias influence expanded so did the casualties. Friends turned into foes while enemies met their demise— bodies serving as reminders of the grim cost associated with operating in an underworld setting.

Cuban understood that in order to survive he would need to be tough and willing to do whatever it took to safeguard his empire and those who were loyal, to him.

Thus the Black Mafia ascended in power a presence haunting the citys streets its influence extending into every aspect of society. For Cuban and his followers the aspiration, for a life had become a reality. At what expense? As they gazed upon the city they had conquered they couldn't help but question if the cost of their triumph had been too great.

Side Notes: If im accepted I promise we won't let you all down and we will add more in depth RP

It wont allow me to post images so if anyone wants to see them DM me

RE: The Black Mafia - Eli-Moore - 02-08-2024

+10, love African American RP, fiending for more of it since the Davis Boys, the thing is though is pendred probably wont accept this faction considering hes said in the past he doesnt like street gangs on the server, and stereotypically, African-Americans are apart of "street gangs." Me personally I'd love to see it accepted.

RE: The Black Mafia - JuggerFlock22 - 02-08-2024

(02-08-2024, 05:34 AM)Eli-Moore Wrote: +10, love African American RP, fiending for more of it since the Davis Boys, the thing is though is pendred probably wont accept this faction considering hes said in the past he doesnt like street gangs on the server, and stereotypically, African-Americans are apart of "street gangs." Me personally I'd love to see it accepted.
Thank You broher! we'll remember you if were accepted

RE: The Black Mafia - GustavoGiggle - 02-08-2024

+1 black power

RE: The Black Mafia - Logi - 02-08-2024

+1 Travis got robbed

RE: The Black Mafia - Jxy3 - 02-08-2024

+1 chief keef enthusiast

RE: The Black Mafia - Sal - 02-08-2024

After reading the whole backstory I can confirm it's actually written incredibly well. Incredibly suspenseful and well thought out; I believe if you can write like this you surely can make unique and meaningful interactions in the city with your faction. Best of luck. <3

RE: The Black Mafia - Thinner - 02-08-2024

+1 just in time for bhm

RE: The Black Mafia - NCR Trooper Scout - 02-08-2024


Mr. Sparrow is gonna clap some gimmick bitch ass niggas.

RE: The Black Mafia - Average Polish Dude - 02-09-2024

Would actually let cops be racist whilst still fighting crime, I love it.
Also its just a cool idea