Diverge Networks
The Real Colombo Crime Family - Printable Version

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RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - Zurek - 07-27-2021

+1 I must say the car was brought back in perfect condition after the annual glide, 10/10 faction would give my car to glide with again

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - CharlesSKS - 07-27-2021

+1 Bring back the Colombo's

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - Gummybear42 - 07-27-2021

+1 This faction is very mature

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - Daniellll - 07-27-2021

+! good faction with good leaders

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - Black_George - 07-27-2021


RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - DropitJimmy? - 07-27-2021

+1 as one of the people who contributed to the downfall of the Colombo's and was and still am good friends with a lot of them, it would be imperative and entirely asinine to allow q great Italian faction back into the fold

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - asw5402 - 07-31-2021

+1 the original Colombo Family across all mafiarp servers on gmod. They know their shit and are roleplayers at their finest

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - Teka - 07-31-2021

+1 This family has been playing on mafia rp for a long time and is filled with experienced players who have actually enhanced rp. All the high ranking members are professional and again experienced. By the look of it there needs to be more Italian factions anyways so why not add um in. The family is also very active and have lots of members in the faction

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - Seb - 08-03-2021

+1 Good guys

RE: The Real Colombo Crime Family - mrlime2000 - 08-05-2021

+1 good faction

+1 good faction

+1 good faction

+1 good faction