Diverge Networks
Harrison Corp. - Printable Version

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RE: Harrison Corp. - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZiZ - 10-04-2021

+1 loved this faction love to see it back around

RE: Harrison Corp. - kevin - 10-04-2021


Let's get back on top again

RE: Harrison Corp. - Tabernacle8 - 10-04-2021

This faction got me into RP, and they were always great at what they did. They made this server a whole lot better, and I really wanna see them be able to continue making it great with a fresh new team.


RE: Harrison Corp. - Jack Dent - 10-04-2021

+1 Really good idea

RE: Harrison Corp. - RickJak - 10-04-2021

plus one, Harrisons introduced some good RP to the server, and Grant needs some legal competition.

RE: Harrison Corp. - wakiestfall801 - 10-04-2021

+1 I love the Harrisons and of course they love me

Also I like the car ideas

RE: Harrison Corp. - DAWWG - 10-04-2021

+1 regardless of what happened before, everyone has their own believes and opinions that are aside from the truth. In my opinion, I believe that having another legal business would greatly benefit the city and its economy, as where the Grants aren't on lot and would give not one but two new opportunities to make money if your into the legal side of things. +1 +1 +1 all the way.

RE: Harrison Corp. - Macho_man270 - 10-04-2021

+1 good set of guys could do some pretty swag rp if brought back

RE: Harrison Corp. - Chickenbonelookingass - 10-05-2021

-1 Bad expirience from another server as a legal buisness

RE: Harrison Corp. - Shmurda - 10-05-2021


Through thick and thin.

Love these guys.