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The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - Printable Version

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RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - mugzalot - 02-21-2022


while the don and underboss of the Bennets were on a small break and Spoopii was taking charge, he did what was needed for their faction. I overall think Spoopii can run a faction in general. He has strong people behind him, as though people before within the jewish factions he was making were minges, im guessing he got rid of them to have a more serious and realistic approach with this new map change.

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - SergeantPepp3r - 02-23-2022

+1 Great backstory and information. I'm excited to see this faction brought to life in the server.

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - Adler - 02-23-2022

+1 Great faction idea, you can tell he spent a lot of time and effort on the lore, you got the Bennett Family seal of Approval!

From Southside, With Love!

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - royaldboy26 - 02-23-2022

+1 good leader and is really involved in the community

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - Dan Bitondo - 02-25-2022

I dont normally +1 but spoopi is more than capable and i would personally like to see the pcs put into this server! fat +1 from me

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - Satti - 02-27-2022

+1 Sounds like a dope idea!

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - killamonix - 03-04-2022

+1 The yes

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - helpicantplay - 03-05-2022

+1 Spoopi was a great leader before he joined the Bennett's even though before he joined us, he was minging and leading minge groups. After Spoopi joined the Bennett's, he stopped acting like an entitled minge and starting actually trying to Rp he made a complete U turn as a player on this server. I feel as though Spoopi has the most potential to flourish as a faction on the Miami server and I genuinely think Spoopi deserves faction lead more then anyone

RE: The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - bruntwaffle - 03-10-2022

+1 solid back story, has solid connections, top tier

The Pennsylvania Crime Syndicate - Pendred - 03-11-2022

Thank you for applying for a faction.
Unfortunately your application has been denied.

We do not believe your faction or application is suffcient enough to be accepted.

You may re-apply with the above issues rectified, when re-applying keep in mind that a well written application with good grammar, and a detailed backstory will help in getting accepted.