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RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - TheDroppedFry - 03-31-2022

Look, I get if you want to genuinely start a crime family. I get it! But you have to put in the proper effort to do so. If you are not the greatest at forming a backstory, find someone to help you! But more than anything, you have to make connections on the server first. You can't just jump into the game and get right into mafia boss mode; You have to get a crew, people you trust, who will do shady shit for you because you are getting involved in rackets that pay for them.

There are plenty of ways to make money and start your own crews, even if they're initially unofficial. Make money honestly, then start buying some underground market items and selling them at higher prices; Starting a small business by making your case to a patron who would be willing to pay for your business license and potentially even a property for you to run it out of, then slowly filter your money into buying underground market items to grow your business; Doing oil shipments; Fishing, taxi-driving, gambling, learning skills like lawyering, bounty hunting (with a permit), politicking- need I go on?

Opportunity is abound. You just need to learn the way of the server. Join the right Discords. Advertise yourself and your business (GET A BUSINESS LICENSE FIRST FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OR THEY WILL ATTEMPT TO FINE YOU A DISGUSTING AMOUNT OF MONEY). Introduce yourself and make connections with others. And as time goes on, as you make money and accumulate loyal ambitious subordinates, you can start doing more organized criminal activity; Extortion, racketeering, running drug shipments for bigger families, buying illegal products en masse and selling them at high rates in the underground market.

Then, you make your application. And by then, you will have far more skills at your disposal, more wisdom and experience, more networking and capabilities. You will have learned how to create a long and length and detailed backstory of your family, where your roots began, how your forefathers formed together to form this criminal organization: The political times that caused it to form, the potential economic or political or social turmoils that allowed for this syndicate to manifest. The means of which this family gained power and prestige and money and all that shit.

Put more time into researching the server, as well as reading the other forum threads to gain an understanding of what pleases the people. Believe it or not, they are rather pliable if you have even a decent resume for this. Just look around.

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - funnyusername - 03-31-2022

+1 need more Italian families

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - LocalWelshman - 03-31-2022


As much as we need more Italian factions. This just ain’t it chief. Scaletta family? Shitty backstory? 3 days on the server? I’m sorry but it’s a no from me. Gain experience, figure out how shit is ran, then attempt at making a family, An original family. Diolch

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - Big Vic - 04-01-2022


I'd start at the beginning but I think I have to go farther back than that. Life as a Criminal Gangster City Crime Boss isn't easy, and when Crime City Mayhem is on the loose, I'm glad Crime Workers like thedemon_simmons11 can clean up the Crime Criminal Mayhem Streets. There are very few Grand Gangster Sin City Gang Criminals like this much anymore. When Scaletta Family is in Criminal Business Crime City Meetings, we know the true heart of MafiaRP, especially on DivergeNetworks, is in good hands.

When Crime Gang Boss has Criminal City Buddy Gang, we have good CriminalRP and Roleplay Gangster City Criminals Roleplay. Ode to Luca Profaci and MikVik, the Roleplay Papa's Pizzeria is Crime-filled Criminal Gangster City Taxi Simulator.


RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - 260RSedy - 04-01-2022

HUGE +1!!

This is the faction application I have been waiting for a while, this one simply blows others right out of the park. The story sucks you in like a vacuum cleaner trying to find any sort of dust and debris on the floor, and the story is very accurate to how the mob worked in Little Italy back then in the 80s. The Scalettas have been always wanted in this server for a while and nobody had the balls to make a family like this. This is why mafiarp exists, because of families like this. Being a Grand Gangster in Sin City isn't the easiest thing to do, especially with a bunch of Thief Gangster Gangs roaming Sin City in their Gangster Cars and Helicopters, shooting at cops and robbing banks like Real Gangsters. Being a Crime Gangster boss isn't an easy job, but your Gangsters under you make it easier for them to rob Other Gangsters in the City of Crime. This Crime family is going to solve all Gangster RP issues within diverge, its complex backstory and characters make the game feel alive, as if you were Carlo Gambino back then in the 60s-70s extorting innocent mom and pop shops and ordering people's murders. I hope you guys do swell in the server, seeing a faction application this good makes you legitimately want to commit crime in real life! I beat an elderly man to death in the back of a store in Colorado in the year of 2004, I was never caught.

(04-01-2022, 04:11 PM)Big Vic Wrote: ++1

I'd start at the beginning but I think I have to go farther back than that. Life as a Criminal Gangster City Crime Boss isn't easy, and when Crime City Mayhem is on the loose, I'm glad Crime Workers like thedemon_simmons11 can clean up the Crime Criminal Mayhem Streets. There are very few Grand Gangster Sin City Gang Criminals like this much anymore. When Scaletta Family is in Criminal Business Crime City Meetings, we know the true heart of MafiaRP, especially on DivergeNetworks, is in good hands.

When Crime Gang Boss has Criminal City Buddy Gang, we have good CriminalRP and Roleplay Gangster City Criminals Roleplay. Ode to Luca Profaci and MikVik, the Roleplay Papa's Pizzeria is Crime-filled Criminal Gangster City Taxi Simulator.

This +1 really makes it all! This is exactly what I'm talking about in my reply, this guy gets it! Hell yea! He gets the real grind of being a Crime Gangster Boss in Sin City, with Gangsters under you doing Gangster Criminal Crimes, and shooting at officers a thing. I bet this guy was the biggest Gangster of all in the Criminal City of Gangster Vegas as they call "Las Vegas" [Not real BTW [By the way] I bet you were shooting down Police Helicopters, being the best Gangster Criminal of all time in Sin City! Anyways, thank you for this reply. It really made my day!

Mashallah Brother
 الله أكبر

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - Big Vic - 04-01-2022

(04-01-2022, 04:11 PM)Big Vic Wrote: ++1

I'd start at the beginning but I think I have to go farther back than that. Life as a Criminal Gangster City Crime Boss isn't easy, and when Crime City Mayhem is on the loose, I'm glad Crime Workers like thedemon_simmons11 can clean up the Crime Criminal Mayhem Streets. There are very few Grand Gangster Sin City Gang Criminals like this much anymore. When Scaletta Family is in Criminal Business Crime City Meetings, we know the true heart of MafiaRP, especially on DivergeNetworks, is in good hands.

When Crime Gang Boss has Criminal City Buddy Gang, we have good CriminalRP and Roleplay Gangster City Criminals Roleplay. Ode to Luca Profaci and MikVik, the Roleplay Papa's Pizzeria is Crime-filled Criminal Gangster City Taxi Simulator.


+rep this post. Cherish the Criminal Roleplay Criming with Double Crime Extra Crime Spree and making Criminals like the Scaletta Family (discord.gg/ScalettaFamily) so incredible valuable. When these families are in the Crime we have security than we won't not having bad roleplayers in the server game.

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - Infamy - 04-01-2022


Not enough playtime to know any high command responsibilities

Also, this co-enties with the mafia 2 family

Very bad and not very descriptive backstory. The backstory shows no further explanation of the don, and how he came up. Nor the family in general


RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - catgoku22 - 04-02-2022

+1 great leader, this guy LTAP by user when i was about to pk him because we confirmed he was a rat, changed his name and everything, we should give him a shot at his own family so he can rule the streets of Miami!!!!!!!!!

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - Macho_man270 - 04-02-2022

-1 no just no

RE: The Scaletta Crime Family - DropitJimmy? - 04-10-2022

no, just no