Diverge Networks
Staff Application Plixily - Printable Version

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RE: Staff Application Plixily - AntiHero - 01-02-2023

+1 Pretty cool dude hope he gets staff

RE: Staff Application Plixily - Canadian-bacon - 01-02-2023

You got banned as recently as the 24th of December

RE: Staff Application Plixily - Plixily - 01-03-2023

(01-02-2023, 07:13 PM)Canadian-bacon Wrote: You got banned as recently as the 24th of December
Yes I did however it was not done on purpose and I apologized to the guy that I killed and we worked everything out it was just a misunderstanding that lead me to kill him. Apart from that I only have like two other bans. sorry for not putting it in the app that I was recently banned I completely forgot about that incident i will update it now

RE: Staff Application Plixily - Juice The Duck - 01-03-2023

+1 This is my boy would love to see him back on staff, also he is super active which the staff team needs desperately

RE: Staff Application Plixily - Egghead25278 - 01-03-2023

+1 known this dude for a min now been in 3 factions with him and I am in the same one as him now great guy knows his shit hope you get staff dude

RE: Staff Application Plixily - 8tacey - 01-04-2023

+1 he is extremely good guy and very understanding and when he was staff he did as much as he could.

RE: Staff Application Plixily - Rayve - 01-04-2023

+1 Great guy!!! speaks and breathes like Harry Potter

RE: Staff Application Plixily - treefeeder9 - 01-06-2023

+1 You guys just made an announcement about needing more staff well you got a perfect pick right here good friends with this guy he deserves it back

RE: Staff Application Plixily - Pendred - 01-07-2023

Your last tenure as staff ended following you consistently breaking rules. On top of that, every single time myself or a member of UA has watched you in-game since, you've always been demonstrating behaviour unbecoming of a staff member. No.

Staff Application Plixily - Pendred - 01-07-2023

Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team.
Unfortunately, your application has been denied.

You may apply again in 30 days. You may apply sooner if you receive permission from a Head Administrator or higher.