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The Northern Saints Syndicate - Printable Version

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RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - Shmee - 04-09-2023

+1 Amazing person to be a faction leader deserves it more than anymore. Also a fantastic application x

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - OmegaCTM168 - 04-09-2023

+1 Interesting backstory

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - Cameron - 04-09-2023

-1 just came off a perma ban, got taken off the PD force 1 day after being reinstated for the reason being "acting like a retard" and nice you used Chat GPT, anyone can do that

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - ExodusMal - 04-09-2023

I wont lie I did just get off of a perma ban, and I also did get removed from PD 1 day after being reinstated but those things shouldn't be used against me. You weren't there, you didn't see what happened, and you have no right to comment about that situation. But I will thank you for one thing, I appreciate that you compare our writing to an infinitely intelligent AI program, that is quite flattering.

And just for shits and giggles, ill educate you. ChatGPT uses a database of pre-existing information gathered from the vast internet to deliver responses to questions and or comments. It is virtually impossible to develop a whole brand new 100% original story using ChatGPT or any other AI program.

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - KAMI66 - 04-09-2023

+1 backstory is really well done

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - Duckium - 04-09-2023


Goated backstory goated man I understand he just came back from ban but he chill asf

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - Fox - 04-09-2023

+1 Great backstory, very very well written. Also a fantastic roleplayer, had many interactions in the past.

I understand he's coming off a perm ban but IMO the time has been served.

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - bugsy - 04-09-2023

+1 seems like a good faction with good backstory

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - Average Polish Dude - 04-09-2023

I just finished reading the novella of lore the lads wrote, and I have to say, WOW. While it definitely isn't Tolkein level, it might as well be for what it is. If they put that much soul into writing lore, I have confidence they'll put just as much soul into their faction in game.

RE: The Northern Saints Syndicate - CharlesSKS - 04-11-2023

-1 Just came off a permaban and already has shown already that he continues to break the rules that got him banned in the first place. Not the best time to make a faction, personally I'd wait a bit longer after having the ban appealed.