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4KT Faction App - Printable Version

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RE: 4KT Faction App - Hammer - 05-12-2021

(05-12-2021, 11:31 PM)JoeMomma Wrote: Which is why I said outside perspective. Not his online friend of 6 years. But I do remember you, you went inactive and never played so ghasts gave you the advisor role correct?
I went inactive due to becoming a father

RE: 4KT Faction App - Michael Flanagan - 05-12-2021

(05-12-2021, 11:35 PM)JoeMomma Wrote: Dino hasnt played consistently at least for a year so not sure how much experience hes had other than back in the day. Ive never actually played with Hammer because he was inactive, only time I ever saw his name was because of his advisor role. You may not dislike me but I dislike you which is obvious and thats where ill end that. It takes at least two to argue Ghasts, also how are you gonna call me young when im older than you? I have no interest in continuing the conversation.

Jesus christ if your not like 16 then I am baffled as to why you act the way you do.

RE: 4KT Faction App - JoeMomma - 05-12-2021

Because it gets under your skin online Ghasts and it's a video game. And Hammer congrats to you, but regardless you were still inactive and never had any actual server experience with me from my recollection nor have you seen any of my prior factions or anything. Dino has at least played with me a good bit even though it was a long time ago and possibly seen some of my factions in the past, I also was the Underboss for his Flanagan spinoff the O'Neils and was CM for his mafia server a while back but he still chose to play follow the leader and bad mouth which is fine, idc as its obvious he hasnt been around recently anyways.

RE: 4KT Faction App - Romullus - 05-13-2021

+1 we need some trappers

RE: 4KT Faction App - Treble - 05-13-2021

-1 Damonte as a captain showed a wide incompetence. His crew mainly just mugged people. I saw no meaningful RP come out of any interaction with him, He didn't attempt to navigate any of the diplomacy side of being high command, and he attempted to PK people for OOC comments about his crew. Overall he has shown he won't contribute anything really to the server with his group. Except another faction that is borderline minges running around constantly robbing everyone. I agree a black gang being on the server is a good idea and a fun one but, Da monte isn't the one to do it. Even now he's arguing with people on the application because they don't support his faction.

RE: 4KT Faction App - Michael Flanagan - 05-13-2021

(05-12-2021, 11:41 PM)JoeMomma Wrote: Because it gets under your skin online Ghasts and it's a video game. And Hammer congrats to you, but regardless you were still inactive and never had any actual server experience with me from my recollection nor have you seen any of my prior factions or anything. Dino has at least played with me a good bit even though it was a long time ago and possibly seen some of my factions in the past, I also was the Underboss for his Flanagan spinoff the O'Neils and was CM for his mafia server a while back but he still chose to play follow the leader and bad mouth which is fine, idc as its obvious he hasnt been around recently anyways.

Ya see, you cant ever think that dino is stating his own opinion XD, you were underboss of a faction that he never actually ran, it was an idea that i dont recall ever coming to pass.

RE: 4KT Faction App - ZharkZ - 05-13-2021

-1, shit leader and inactive as fuck

RE: 4KT Faction App - gozmouZ - 05-16-2021

+1 need more street gangs

RE: 4KT Faction App - Red - 05-16-2021

-1, overall I doubt Damonte would lead a successful faction, it would definitely turn into a minge group. He showed horrific leadership skills in flanagans, couldn't run a crew let alone a whole faction, the members he did get on to recruit were banned for minging in under 24 hours. I cant see this faction succeeding, hence the -1

RE: 4KT Faction App - Vex - 05-18-2021

-1 i agree with ghasts. This has got to be the worst faction idea