Diverge Networks
I got banned for no reason - Printable Version

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I got banned for no reason - Stefano Changetti - 03-27-2021

Your Name: Lawson

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:460163435

Reason for ban: NITRP/Broke Probation

Length of ban:Forever

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have no clue why I've been banned I've actually been rping I haven't been fucking around I have no clue how I got NITRP I have just been rping I dont know why I got banned I'm Hella confused pls help.

Why should you be unbanned? I never did anything wrong ive been rping for the past 3 days with no fuck ups i had one minor issue which got solved and the guy who caused it i believe got permed i havent been minging and i have no clue why i even got banned.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

I also was never brought in a sit nor did anyone ever contact me telling me how i was minging or NITRP im really fucking confused im not trying to get banned

RE: I got banned for no reason - Rem - 03-27-2021

You broke NLR multiple times. Minging in the hospital, punch minging, breaking the RP area. There were 2 ERS individuals trying to RP, but you screaming and messing around broke their RP area. (They were on the 3rd floor, so this is not in spawn) This appeal is completely false, and lying about it really shows how little you learned.

RE: I got banned for no reason - Stefano Changetti - 03-27-2021

I wasent the only one fucking around everyone was we were having fun and when i broke "NLR" they kept saying your fine it was all fun for us I dont understand how i was minge punching as i only ever punched 2 people 1 was a minge RDMer and the other was in rp fucking around Your taking us having fun to seriously we were still rping just cause someone rps differently doesnt mean theyre minging im just not a super Mafia like person especially not around people i know

RE: I got banned for no reason - Rem - 03-27-2021

So now you admit to fucking around. Great.

RE: I got banned for no reason - Stefano Changetti - 03-27-2021

also did you ask anyone up their about their opinion on the matter before just banning cause you are interfering with us rping which i believe is a rule noone was minging we were rping just not as seriously as a full blown rp this is a gmod server to have fun if people cant have fun whats the point

yes i admit to fucking around everyone was we were having fun i didnt break any rules as i was still rping just not As serious as a meeting or sum else

i dont wanna make this an argument but you didnt look past the fact i was fucking around you blatantly targeted me for no damn reason ive been doing my best to be on a clean slate on this server and ive been doing actual rps this is just a BS ban that im honestly really pissed about

RE: I got banned for no reason - Rem - 03-27-2021

Again, you lied on this appeal saying you did not mess around and you are confused, but you knew what you did and you knew what you were doing. I advise you rethink your actions and what you say.

RE: I got banned for no reason - Stefano Changetti - 03-27-2021

I was confused because i was given no reason why i was banned just banned for NITRP i assumed it was the Hospital but tbh i really didnt know and yes i was fucking around and your ignoring the "EVERYONE ELSE WAS TO" in that sentence i was not the only person messing around and as i said multiple times we still were rping just not as seriously now not to Blame anyone but you seem oddly Aiming directly towards me if this is a grudge then thats fucking stupid i fucked up in the past but im trying to do better on this server and your treating me like a fucking minge im not here to minge im trying to rp which is what ive been doing for the past 3 days i havent fucked up once and now your going to take a fun rp out of context and make a ban out of it is kinda dumb i dont see how you dont see what im saying im sorry for fucking around but we were having fun and if you wanted us to be more serious you couldve stepped in at any time instead you chose to watch over us and ban me for just having fun with friends

again im sorry for fucking around but we were just trying to have fun i didnt know it was this serious nor did i realize it was worth perma banning me again

again im sorry for fucking around but we were just trying to have fun i didnt know it was this serious nor did i realize it was worth perma banning me again

again im sorry for fucking around but we were just trying to have fun i didnt know it was this serious nor did i realize it was worth perma banning me again

OOps sorry for the 3 Replies Computer Lagged

RE: I got banned for no reason - Stefano Changetti - 03-27-2021

im sorry i wont fuck around again please unban me I promise i wont mess around again i didnt mean to make a problem im sorry please unban me i just want to play with my friends i wont Mess around anymore and ill distance myself from any mingish rp again

I dont know who you are ZOOK please stop being so rude on my Threads its not getting you anywhere

RE: I got banned for no reason - Canadian-bacon - 03-27-2021

I made it clear you needed to take your second chance seriously. Clearly your 'fucking around and just having fun' is problematic. It's really easy to not get banned on our server. Feel free to appeal again in a few months.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules