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Vice Lords faction app - Printable Version

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Vice Lords faction app - JuggerFlock22 - 04-08-2021

Name of Faction: The Almighty Vice lords

Number of Members(Minimum of 5): James Wren (me), Pablo Camparo, Tony D'angelo, Tyrone Comparo, and Mike Lowrey.

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Street gang

Ethnic Background (Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): African American

Your Discord: SPIDERGVNG#8522

Your Faction Discord link (If you have one): https://discord.gg/PPc7CHfY

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words):
The Vice Lord nation is one of the largest gangs in the United States with chapters in every state in the nation and almost every city and town in this country.  The Vice Lord nation has grown so powerful because of the goals the nation has tried to accomplish over time.  Many think it is all about drugs and money but the real cause for the nation is not about drugs and money or not even about violence, but this is the behavior that often results from membership but the nation itself does not condone violence and criminal activity.  There was a time in history where our country had faith in the Vice Lords and even offered assistance; as a result, something positive and marvelous developed from it that helped west side youths live better lives.  The Vice Lords were positive for the North Lawndale community and had a very positive impact on the youth during this time period.  What needs to be understood is there was barely any opportunity for black youths on the west side of Chicago and there was often only one way to go.

Many say the Vice Lords have origins that date all the way back to the 1940s, however, this does not mean any part of the nation was founded back in the 40s, it just means that members of older gangs ended up flipping to Vice Lords in later years and that many of the goals of the older gangs intertwined with the development of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation.
The oldest significant black street gangs in Chicago were the “Dirty Sheiks” and the “Wailing Shebas” that date back to deep into the early 20th century before the year 1927 on the south side of Chicago.  These two gangs often acted as syndicates and fought against other black gangs or even white gangs.  In the early 1940s Skeiks and Shebas had migrated to the Jew Town area of the Near West Side neighborhood to assist newly arrived black southerners facing terrible discrimination as they settled along Halsted Street.
Beginning in the very early 1940s, a new surge of black migration came to Chicago as the war industry opened up several jobs for Americans.  In the southern United States jobs were a lot scarcer for black families and many were still living in extreme poverty without many essentials like plumbing, adequate housing or even clean water to drink at times.  Everywhere in the United States there was racism and hatred toward blacks but in the south, it was much more obvious as there were actual laws that explicitly commanded that blacks should remain segregated.  Employers could legally discriminate against hiring blacks and many Jim Crow laws even forbid blacks from owning their own property.  This forced many blacks to work in jobs that whites didn’t want because of the very low pay and harsh working conditions.  Blacks also often had to rent from slum lords that legally could neglect property and leave living conditions in shambles.   There was not much representation for the black community in these years but there was plenty of representation for the white southerners in favor of these harsh treatments including the Ku Klux Klan that often roamed through shantytowns that blacks lived in and enforced these Jim Crown laws harshly.  Blacks had been migrating from the south to Chicago since the 1860s but there was not much of a call for blacks to take the risk and travel up to Chicago until the Chicago Defender newspaper began sending issues of their paper down south informing black families about the success that some black families experienced after moving.  The paper began circulation in 1916 and sparked the third wave of black migration which also became the first big wave.  As families got settled and some reported a better life in the 1920s it brought more families until a lull happened in the 1930s during the Great Depression.
In the early 40s it was once again being reported that Chicago was the promised land and in many ways, Chicago was a much better alternative to living in the Jim Crown south but Chicago would also being new horrors to black families that was not mentioned in the Chicago Defender.  Families would now trade one form of a nightmare for another.
As the big rush to the north began in the 1940s, southern black families arriving soon found out the promised land was not all it was cracked up to be as an immediate housing shortage often stopped families dead in their tracks.  Most blacks were crowding into the south side of the city into areas like Bronzeville, Oakland, Washington Park and some other various south side neighborhoods.  Most south side neighborhoods didn’t allow blacks and used restrictive racial covenants to prevent blacks from moving in confining most black families to move within a few assigned neighborhoods on the south side.  The west side of Chicago was still very white, and these neighborhoods did not have much of a black population.  To make a long story short, redlining practices on the west side of Chicago successfully brought down the value of entire neighborhoods and houses with a swift motion causing white people to move out very fast and predatory real estate agents moved in black families while sticking them with higher mortgages.
I don’t know the whole story but eventually members of the Dirty Sheiks and the Wailing Shebas created the Imperial Chaplains and 14th Street Clovers along Halsted Street by the late 1940s or early 1950s.
In 1951, the Clovers and Chaplains migrated to North Lawndale but were not big-time gangbanging groups until 1954 when the North Lawndale and Near West Side neighborhoods began to set off with several fist fighting gangs as territories were now being set.  Both these gangs would take over these neighborhoods as the big outfits in the community as the Sheiks and Shebas ended.
North Lawndale was a neighborhood that became conquered by predatory slumlords in 1955 after they purchased the vast majority of rental properties.  Moe M. Forman, Al Berland, Joseph Berke, Lou Wolf, and Gilbert Balin became the most notorious of slum lords renting below sub-standard properties to impoverished southern black families without maintaining the buildings.  Impoverished families had no choice but to live in these conditions because they couldn’t afford anywhere else to go and other mostly white neighborhoods were hostile toward black families even after the covenants were lifted.
North Lawndale rapidly declined as many businesses closed and buildings became deteriorated in the mid-1950s.  Crime began to run rampant as criminals from outside the neighborhood drifted in and wrecked havok or committed hate crimes.  Families were stuffed into slum buildings in substandard conditions and there was no centralized heat as families needed to gather near antique wood burning stoves in the middle of the living room.  The neighborhood lacked parks and recreation leaving many black youths facing boredom, poverty and frustration.  Youths began to gather in numbers and occupy their time by harassing each other and starting fights just for fun.  Pre-existing youth clubs in the community soon converted into street gangs like Imperial Chaplains and Clovers, while many new gangs were forming that were of a more violent breed than the original Clovers and Chaplains, one such gang was the Egyptian Cobras that came to North Lawndale from Jew Town in 1955.
It got to the point in the later 1950s where young black youths growing up in North Lawndale couldn’t go anywhere or do anything without being in a gang.  If we think forced gang recruitment is harsh in modern times it was worse back in the 50s and 60s as gangs took ownership of every piece of public property on the west side.  You couldn’t go to the pool, the park, the theater or even the grocery store without some gang harassing you.  Even if a young black youth just tried to walk to school or go anywhere, they were constantly harassed to join gangs and were beaten and bullied if they didn’t join and still wanted to venture into certain areas.  If you didn’t want to join a gang there wasn’t much you could in the community for recreation.  It got to the point where youths needed to make a tough decision and that was which gang to join.  The decision of which gang to join would all depend on what activities the youth wanted to get involved in.  Did they like playing at the park more?  Did they like the theater?  Was the pool the most important thing?  Another deciding factor for joining a gang was determining which gang hung out in the vicinity of where they lived.  It is much harder to join a gang from the other side of North Lawndale when the gang outside your window is a rival.
Starting off the year 1957, the gangs of North Lawndale and the Near West Side reached a new level of violence as gangs now began beating each other with weapons, stabbing each other with knives or even shooting each other with guns. The gangs had now reached a new level of ferocity.
By the year 1957, the Clovers were the dominating gang in North Lawndale with the Egyptian Cobras quickly growing just behind them.  The Clovers were said to be one of the toughest gangs out there and at the time they also ruled the Jew Town streets on Halsted.  The Clover toughness and dominance caught the attention of the Chicago police in March of 1957 when the police began their massive crackdown on black Chicago street gangs on the west side, mainly Clovers and Egyptian Cobras.  Fillmore District Captain Thomas J. O Donnell ordered a sweep of black gangs in the Lawndale area and it ended up being a haphazard and violent process where young black youths were beaten badly and incarcerated.  Many cops would burn kids with cigarettes and whip them with belts or punch them in the face.  This all led to the James Halsell affair in May of 1957 where James Halsell, a Clover was charged with very minor misdemeanors, yet he was beaten savagely with belts for six hours.  This sparked an investigation from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Executive Board of the Chicago Youth Centers (CYC), a citywide gang outreach organization.  Despite the investigations the police sweeps continued into 1958 and several black youths were arrested, and many were sent to juvenile facilities.
During the sweeps of 1957 to 1958, a 15 year old youth by the name of Edwin “Peppilow Perry” and his group the “Phantom Burglers” were arrested for burglary and brought to the Illinois Youth Center (St. Charles reformatory) in St. Charles Illinois.  In 1957, when Peppilow was fourteen years old he left home and began living on his own involved in a life of crime, mainly burglary.  Peppilow wanted to become a member of one of the larger outfits at the time the Imperial Chaplains but when he visited their lair to speak to “Big John” the leader of the Chaplains, Big John said, “We don’t want no punk motherfucker in the organization.” It is a mystery why Big John wouldn’t let him in since Pep was six foot one and 190 pounds, fast on his feet and with his hands.  One thing for sure Big John, made a big mistake not letting Pep in but of course if it wasn’t for this chain of events, we wouldn’t have the Vice Lords today (Source: A Nation of Lords: The Autobiography of the Vice Lords, Second Edition).
Pep was assigned to stay at the Harding Cottage at the reformatory and he found out his friend from the neighborhood Leonard “Cal” Calloway was staying in the reformatory as well.  Pep had already gained a reputation as a hell of boxer and exhibited leadership qualities.  He also was known for getting new guys in line coming into the facility.  Pep somehow arranged for Cal to be transferred to his cottage and the boys came together at Harding.  Calloway was a member of the Imperial Chaplains and was Pep’s sponsor to gain membership into the Chaplains but of course that didn’t go as planned back in 1957.  Now in 1958 the two were in Harding Cottage together and decided to clique up.  They also cliqued up with Ernest Wren who was also an Imperial Chaplain.  The boys got together with “Toehold,” Ralph Bonds, Maurice Miller and one other that I don’t know of.  As far as I know only Cal and Wren were in gangs already.  Pep assembled this group of seven into their own organization geared at organizing their work details and pulling strings to get jobs they favored.  The jobs they worked were very important in the institution and this caused these seven boys to end up running the whole Illinois Youth Center and since they worked jobs that were assigned by the institution the staff didn’t pay any mind or understand the Vice Lords and let them carry on.  The Vice Lords controlled the institution by taking on the number one and two roles in the butcher area, the kitchen and the linens area, essentially making them control the food and clothes in those sections and deciding who does certain work duties in their sections and who is to be cast out. 
The seven boys didn’t have a name in the very beginning, but Pep decided he wanted to have a name especially since the boys were already running the important jobs there.  Besides the relations between Cal and Pep, the boys were all strangers to each other until Pep came into the reformatory but now, they would become a group.  The boys had meetings twice a week and at one of those meetings they decided on a name.  From the glory stories of gangbanging from Cal and Wren, Pep wanted this club to be a gang once they all returned to the streets.  Maurice Miller thought this was just going to be a social club and came up with the idea of “Conservative Lads” but Pep wanted a different last name but decided to keep the “Conservative” part of the name.  The “Vice Lord” name was created by Pep after he looked up in the dictionary that “Vice” meant to have a tight grip on something and not let go, then of course they would be “Lords.”  The ideas from Wren and Cal were to be called “Imperial Vice Lords” to pay tribute to the gang that each of them belonged to and that Pep had previously worked hard to join up with but now Pep had a vendetta against Big John and the Chaplains and wanted nothing to do with them so “Conservative Vice Lord” was the chosen name.  Within a short time, they realized that the “Conservative” part of the name didn’t make sense for them and they also knew many guys on the streets wouldn’t know what “Conservative” even meant let alone pronounce the word, so they just went with “Vice Lords.” 
Maurice Miller was the first one to get out of the reformatory and the deal was he was supposed to be the first one to spread the word about the Vice Lords to the streets in exchange for having the “Conservative” part of the name and he was the first one to inform the streets about the Vice Lords, however, the nation was not really put out there yet until all the boys got out by the Autumn of 1958.
By the time the boys got out the Clovers were no longer the biggest and meanest outfit anymore, now it was the Egyptian Cobras (now known today as Mickey Cobras) that were the biggest gang.  The Clovers and Chaplains were still very large gangs, but the Clovers took a big hit from the police raids of 57-58 allowing the Cobras to gather all the steam.  The seven Vice Lords were entering this world on the streets of North Lawndale where there were several gangs that had combined membership into the thousands, some gangs like the Clovers, Cobras and Chaplains had hundreds of members each.  The Vice Lords knew they would have a challenge facing off with all these larger clubs but were still determined to preserve their existence on the streets.
Once Pep was out, he took in some close friends on the street: “Son,” “Trip,” “Green,” and Green’s cousin “Sloop.”  The Vice Lords now had eleven guys in their group and didn’t recruit anymore non-gang affiliated members for the rest of the year.  In order to attract attention, the guys hosted dances, threw parties and attracted women to their group.  At one party the Vice Lords ran into four members of the Clovers and a fight started.  The Vice Lords beat the four Clovers until they ran away but then awhile later fifty or sixty members showed and attacked the Vice Lords who were outnumbered severely.  The Vice Lords fought well and escaped the party but couldn’t win against this larger gang, this is when they decided it was time to grow much larger.  The Clovers also became the Vice Lords’ first enemy on the streets 
The Vice Lords really wanted to take out the Clovers and needed additions to their army, but it wouldn’t be possible unless they went up against a moderate sized gang and took them out.  Their first target was the “Barons,” a twenty-four man gang that Pep picked a fight (known back then as a ‘humbug’) at Farragut High School.  Over the next week the Vice Lords fought them while outnumbered two to one and still beat on them until they got the Barons to submit and flip to Vice Lords, now there were about 35 Vice Lords
Next, the Vice Lords took on the Van Dykes which was a war that lasted two days, in the end the Van Dykes’ leader found out his own brother became the Vice Lord Vice President and he wouldn’t fight his own brother, that’s when the Van Dykes flipped to Vice Lords by the end of 1958 and now the Vice Lords were becoming well known going into 1959  
During the year 1959, the Vice Lords went to war with several gangs all at once and that gained them lots of reputation.  They began to war with the biggest gang in the neighborhood the Egyptian Cobras especially since the Cobras controlled most of the public recreational areas.  They had the pools, the theaters and the best parks and had the most girls, this drove the Vice Lords to fight them tooth and nail while simultaneously warring with multiple other gangs.  Peppilow became very well-known and the Vice Lords dismantled some other smaller gangs and now their numbers had reached a few hundred.  The Vice Lords were now at war with the Egyptian Cobras, Comanches, Imperial Chaplains and Continental Pimps. The Vice Lords were unique from other gangs in the area as they refused to draw up alliances with any other gangs and were rather anti-social with other clubs.  The only way they would agree to be friends with another gang is if that other gang adopted the last name of “Vice Lord” but that of course meant they basically would flip to Vice Lords, an ultimatum that all the gangs didn’t like and refused but what most of them ended up dissolving their organizations and flipping to Vice Lord eventually. 
Vice Lords also had aggressive recruiting measures they adopted back in 1959 where they would approach individuals or maybe a small group whether they were already in a gang or not and ask them to become Vice Lords.  In the beginning, to become a Vice Lord you needed proper representation but by 1959, all you needed to do was be able to breathe and move.  A youth would be asked to join and if they said they wanted to it was made to happen right on the spot with no initiation ritual.  If the youth said they didn’t want to they would receive a “whippin” or brutal beating with more to follow on other days until they submitted and joined.  Gangs in the late 1950s on the west side were known to do this but not nearly as often or as badly as the Vice Lords did it, they were much more persistent and violent in their recruiting measures.  For other gangs, as long as you stayed out of their territories you weren’t forced to be recruited but for the Vice Lords your only requirement to be aggressively recruited was for you to exist and breathe.  The Vice Lords were full of aggression and loved to teach each other to box.  They also would pick out random guys on the streets and tell each other to attack sometimes for no reason 
Eventually, Vice Lords were taking over the Illinois Youth Center and declaring anyone that came in an enemy if they weren’t Vice Lords; this became especially apparent when Edwin Perry went back the center again.  While inside he got word that “Bow Chest” of the Imperial Chaplains had slapped around and beat up his girlfriend in front of his sister.  Pep asked him which arm Bow Chest used to slap his girl with, after the youth told him which arm Pep said he was going on a week’s long vacation and bringing back the arm that was used to slap his girl around with.  After this declaration, Pep set out immediately to get revenge right after getting out of the reformatory.  At first, the Vice Lords attempted to raid an Imperial Chaplain party but where beaten back as they were outnumbered.  After this they laid low traveling about the west side avoiding the Imperial Chaplains leading the Chaplains to believe they had won.  One day the Vice Lords got word that the Chaplains were hanging out 200-300 deep at the Central Park theater located at Roosevelt Road and Central Park Ave (3531-39 W. Roosevelt).  The Vice Lords marched to the theater 50 strong but by the time they arrived all but 12 of them backed out along the way. Pep, Bate, Stucky, Toehold, Yancey, Wren, Trip, McLamore, Big George and three others went at it with about ninety members of the Imperial Chaplains while all the rest watched the fight.  Despite being heavily outnumbered by nine to one, the Vice Lords were beating them back and put a good hurting on the Chaplains until they got out of the theater.  The Chaplains then chased the Vice Lords and caught Wren and jumped him.  The rest of the Vice Lords wouldn’t leave Wren behind, so they attacked Wren’s attackers then decided to proceed back into the theater and take on the Chaplains yet again.  During the brawling Bow Chest emerged; as soon as Bow Chest emerged Pep and McLamore abducted him and pinned him.  The two began cutting his arm off as they slashed him all over the rest of his body, even in the face, they also carved “CVL” on his back.  Once they cut his arm halfway off the police showed up and broke it all up and Pep was arrested.  Pep was convicted and sent back to the reformatory for another light sentence.  In court Bow Chest had, had his arm sewn back on but when word traveled at the Illinois Youth Center what Pep had done every single Chaplain flipped to Vice Lord immediately which nearly flipped their entire gang in 1959 (Source: A Nation of Lords: The Autobiography of the Vice Lords, Second Edition).  The Chaplains would still remain in existence after this but as a smaller gang that didn’t have much significance on the west side streets, Pep single handedly dismantled most of the Chaplains.  I also want to mention Pep got his revenge on Big John for disrespecting him back in 1957, I don’t know all the details, but he got even.
Vice Lords became very popular as the year 1959 progressed.  Packs of Vice Lords all over North Lawndale took out one small group after another and destroying small gangs forcing them to flip.  Many youngsters also began admiring the Vice Lord style of wearing a black cape with gold lettering and an earring placed in one ear before it was even close to popular for males to wear earrings.  The Vice Lord new symbols were admired as Maurice Calloway came up with the idea for the top hat, cane and gloves.  Calloway made the canes spell out “CVL” and used a skull wearing the top hat, bow tie and cigarette holder with smoke coming out of the skull.  The capes were a total Vice Lord thing and often used to hide shotguns and other guns, that’s why police made Vice Lords take them off 
The Vice Lords became a serious force to be reckoned with and began to spread fear in the neighborhood.  They dismantled the Bandits and the Spanish Counts (Not a Hispanic gang) gangs and then exercised a curfew for other gangs on the streets.  If any other gang was out after 9:00 P.M. they were severely beaten, only Vice Lords could roam the streets at night, nobody else.  This display of sheer power gained the Vice Lords more momentum and was making them graduate to becoming the kings of the streets.  The Vice Lords went anywhere they wanted and didn’t feel the need to claim certain territories like the other gangs did.  One day they were hanging out in one area then the next it was elsewhere, this made it tough for police to track their haunts.  They also had no respect for other gangs’ turf and if any gangs had a problem the Vice Lords were always overflowing with eagerness to fight over it, something you never saw in other gangs in history as gangs usually want some down times between wars but the Vice Lords were like aggressive dogs that wouldn’t quit.  The Vice Lords only had one set location for meetings back in 1959 and that was 2135 S. Millard (Millard and Ogden Ave) in North Lawndale 
In the year 1960, Pep got out of the juvenile center again and now he was seventeen years old.  He got word that one of his top Lieutenants “Possum” had flipped to a Morphine.  After failed negotiations to get Possum to flip back to Vice Lord Pep intensified the ongoing war that had started after he was locked up and all through the winter in 1960 the Vice Lords kept coming at the Morphines until they finally surrendered and their leadership, including Possum, joined the Vice Lords, thus, dissolving the Morphines (Source: A Nation of Lords: The Autobiography of the Vice Lords, Second Edition).
Next on the agenda was the take down of the Cherokees that ruled Theodore Herzl School located at 15th and Ridgeway.  The Cherokees also dominated 16th Street back then and were known for being very tough.  The Vice Lords fought the Cherokees for a few days and took over Herzl School but were not satisfied enough.  The Vice Lords called for a meeting with Cherokee leaders about surrendering and flipping to Vice Lords, the Cherokees refused.  After the refusal by the Cherokees, the Vice Lords violently attacked the Cherokees hurting their members badly, busting heads until they took 16th Street away from the Cherokees forcing most of the Cherokees to flip to Vice Lord.  Some Cherokees flipped to Egyptian Cobras while others flipped to Imperial Knights and that’s when the Imperial Knights were next on the agenda.  They beat on the Knights for a month until every member of the Knights flipped to Vice Lord 
Next up were the Braves.  The Vice Lords were sick of the Braves messing with young Vice Lords and now it was time for payback and domination.  The Braves were a big gang and even were located in the ABLA projects and Henry Horner projects in the Near West Side neighborhood.  After a three-month war the Vice Lords destroyed the Braves and this only left one other big gang, the Egyptian Cobras 
Vice Lords spread outside of the North Lawndale community in the year 1960 as they landed in the Near West Side neighborhood and East Garfield Park after defeating the Braves where they began to exercise domination over those communities.  This also the year the Vice Lord dismantled the Clovers and fought their way into the ABLA projects and the Henry Horner projects, thus, 1960 was the year Vice Lords landed in the ABLA and Henry Horner Homes.
The Cobras were fierce competition and wanted to claim the all of North Lawndale and from Pulaski Road all the way east to end of the neighborhood it was now Vice Lord territory.  The Vice Lords wanted the Cobras to completely leave the west side of Chicago entirely especially since the Vice Lords now had dominance over west of Pulaski in K-town.  After giving an ultimatum in 1960 for the Cobras to leave and the Cobras turning it down a big brawling war ensued that caused Pep to stab one of their Lieutenants in the neck.  The Lieutenant then called the police on Pep and this time Pep was tried as an adult being seventeen years old and was sentenced to six months in Cook County Jail.  After Pep went in the Cobras were beating back on the Vice Lords which lead to the death of “Dee Dee” after Cobras shot him with a high-powered rifle during a brawl with the Cobras.  Dee Dee was only sixteen years old and was a leader of pee wee members.  After the death of Dee Dee Pep was enraged and told his fellow Lords that when he got out the Cobras better be softened up.  The Vice Lords listened well and shot “Stump Daddy’s” brother “Pop Eye,” Stump Daddy was a Cobra leader.  They gave another Cobra, Hershey Foster a concussion and they killed another Cobra leader, Leroy Brown, by stabbing him forty-two times.  The Vice Lords then kept on hitting the Cobras hard until when Pep got out the Cobras were indeed softened up and even backed off 
While Pep was locked up the Imperial Chaplains tried to reassemble and began growing again, this angered Pep and the Lords, so they stormed a dance being held at the YMCA.  The Vice Lords trashed the building breaking windows and destroying everything in sight. The YMCA then called the police on the Vice Lords and Pep.  In the meantime, the Vice Lords stormed a pool hall in Franklin Benjamin Park (4320 W. 15th St) and tore apart a poolroom and even burned furniture.  They then advanced on a nearby restaurant and caused problems over there.  After all this Pep was arrested and put back in Cook County Jail again, this time the judge gave him a one-year sentence hoping it would stop the Vice Lords dead in their tracks, the judge was wrong
While locked up in the juvenile portion of the jail Pep was wild and fighting several youths inside getting thrown in isolation until the authorities decided he was too much for that section and he was moved to the adult side to be with grown men.  When he first got there, he was confronted by an older guy that tried to bully him; Pep ended up beating the man up on three occasions until he gained a reputation in the adult side.  He worked in the kitchen and declared he wasn’t going to be a food server anymore and withdrew all his Vice Lords from that duty too.  Within no time he was controlling all work details in the adult side which meant the Vice Lords were running it all.  The Vice Lords were well taken care of getting preference of the best clothes, the best food and the best sleeping arrangements.  This caused more gang members coming in to flip to Vice Lords so they could get the best treatment. This also caused the Vice Lords to be bigger on the streets because these flipped members came home as Vice Lords too.  Edwin Perry had such power that he was able to successfully escape from jail by slipping out the front using a disguise without anyone knowing about it.  He found a Vice Lord that looked just like him and had him dress like Pep and act like him for three months, the guards never noticed, and the man was released when Pep’s sentence was over, not a word ever said.  The Vice Lords also had all the intelligence on all the other gangs in the jails and prisons.  They knew all their movements and what they were all about.  Vice Lords also shouted down messages through the toilets and air vents when guards were not standing around.  They could shout down the toilet after pressing the button and their voices would travel through the pipes to the inmate below.  Vice Lords also used jail and prison staff to relay messages for them to the outside.  They would write numbers on their backs or tell them to remember certain information.  Most of the jail and prison staff cooperated because they lived on the west side and didn’t want to be terrorized by Vice Lords at home.

AND HOLY SHIT IF YALL WANT A SOURCE THAT BAD HERE:  https://www.chicagoganghistory.com/gang/vice-lords/

RE: Vice Lords faction app - Shmurda - 04-08-2021


RE: Vice Lords faction app - GRANATA - 04-08-2021

Homie you forgot a "Sources Cited" section.........

RE: Vice Lords faction app - Gollo - 04-08-2021

Neutral. I like the idea of including a new gang into the server, as long as it acts properly and isn't a minge faction. Unfortunately, I thought the text looked familiar, and the 5000-word essay you just displayed upon us (You're missing a bibliography and works cited page), is completely fucking ripped from https://www.chicagoganghistory.com/gang/vice-lords/. Honestly, this should get accepted just for the ambition and intuition by someone who wants to become a gang leader, shown in the theft you just committed.

RE: Vice Lords faction app - Rem - 04-08-2021

At least put effort?

RE: Vice Lords faction app - coda - 04-08-2021


RE: Vice Lords faction app - JuggerFlock22 - 04-08-2021

(04-08-2021, 03:13 AM)Shmurda Wrote: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/320772681878339586/829554772486127666/QFVVVfm0AAAAASUVORK5CYII.png
i added a source asshole there you go, i didnt know that yall wanted a source that bad!

(04-08-2021, 03:32 AM)Rem Wrote: -1
At least put effort?
i would have to copy the text because its a real life street gang. but there i added a source if it makes you happy. I did put in the effort of going around the game and getting people to join, they would leave then i would have to find someone to replace them.

(04-08-2021, 03:16 AM)GRANATA Wrote: Homie you forgot a "Sources Cited" section.........
there, happy?

RE: Vice Lords faction app - KingCum/Soup - 04-08-2021

+1. He rps well and due to this fact i believe he would be a great faction leader. He has intuition. Ambition and leadership. Plus a giant dick

RE: Vice Lords faction app - SkyTied - 04-08-2021

+1  Heart

RE: Vice Lords faction app - Canadian-bacon - 04-09-2021

After reviewing the application we've decided to deny this application. Thank you for your interest.