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I was fucked in an ally. - Printable Version

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I was fucked in an ally. - Dmitry - 04-10-2021

Name of Character: Dmitry Glukhovsky


Date of PK:4/9/2021

Reason for PK: Life in prison.

Why should you be unPK'd?: I was sitting in an ally and a parole officer pulled a gun on me while I was climbing a fence, so I just pressed s then jumped it, tried to run, got tazed. I was not read my rights, and I was not searched. After an HOUR of sitting in a cell, they finally search me and take three guns off of my character. After this I do the standard RP "I'll get you for this" shit. They then gave me the literal worst lawyer in the entire universe. Like this man should never have passed the bar. He asked me what happened and I explained it about a million times, and then during the court he literally got up and said "I don't know" to everything the judge said, so nothing was dropped and I got 70 years in prison (PK). There were plenty of reasons I should have only gotten about 40 years max, but I was given such an incredibly stupid lawyer who knew nothing about law that I lost my damn character. If your lawyers don't even know what the fucking defence is when asked to supply one, they shouldn't be representing me. (I will also add that I waited for about 3 hours in that cell and court case, plus had to re join the server from a map change. This is horrible RP and it ruins the fun of this server). I am not trying to restart everything just because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was given a lawyer who didn't even know what court is.

I do not have any evidence, and I am sorry. This should all be in the logs and literally everyone else who was in the room saw how horrible this lawyer was. 

TLDR: I was PKed for having three guns because my lawyer knew nothing. 3 guns and two counts of shit talking shouldnt be life in prison.

I will also add that I couldn't request a mistrial because the admin instantly PKed me as soon as the judge started talking at the trial end.

RE: I was fucked in an ally. - Irn Bru - 04-10-2021

Hey, I was the District Attorney on this case. You got caught with three illegal firearms on you and you also threatened three government officials witch is a PK sentence. We gave you a fair court trial and you lost because we proved beyond reasonable doubt that you were guilty. We also could of charges you with other crimes but we never. Everything was done probably and we have more than enough evidence to convict you in court. To be fair your lawyer was new however even the best lawyer on the server couldn’t win that case as we had solid evidence.

Link to criminal complaint with all the evidence: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jpGK2hTNWENtpLdtFkeYxyTjQXTDeSYw5W2U24pDo5E/edit?usp=sharing

RE: I was fucked in an ally. - Dmitry - 04-10-2021

The lawyer. literally. didn't. have. a defense. He didn't know anything. at LEAST a mistrial, if not then drop charges. the only reason you dropped the weed is that was never on that scene (because I wasn't making any)

In the very least he could have whittled the sentence down to less than life but nah he literally said: "uh I don't know"..

I was never even on the crime scene and the only charges you could get me on was shit you found out after arresting me and holding me for an hour. There was no other evidence at all. The final sentence was 70 years but the threats could have been lessened more if argued (there was no evidence of them) and the guns could have been argued as well. I would for sure have caught time but not a life fucking sentence. The lawyer didn't even listen to me when I was asking for things or telling him new info, and the judge told me to "shut the fuck up" when I tried talking. ( I also mentioned my lawyer ignored what I said, I wasn't even read my rights. they teased me cuffed me and dragged me in then in another hour searched me. That alone could have cleared the trial, but my lawyer said "I don't know" so here we are. Any half-decent lawyer could've gotten me at least less than life sentence)

RE: I was fucked in an ally. - Garfield - 04-10-2021

I was the Judge in the case, 
The penal law in relation to the 3x guns you were carrying meant based on how the law was written you broke it 3 times meaning that you would be liable for the maximum of 20 years(minutes) per each gun charge. In relation to the the charges of threatening a government official you were only found guilty on one count of the charge rather than all 3 since i ruled that the either action rather than what was said would constitute the threatening of a government official meaning you would also get the maximum of 10 years. I sentenced you to the max due the way you, and not your lawyer, presented yourself showing no care for what is going on.

You also claim I said "Shut the Fuck up" which is not what I stated at all, rather I told you to shut up because it would be likely that you could incriminate yourself since the whole of the courtroom could hear what you were saying. When I told you later on in the hearing to be quiet you had interrupted the trial procedure and therefore I had to interrupt to ensure that I could everything the witness would be saying so that I do not miss out any information from the witness. 

You also state that your lawyer ignored you, then you should take any complaints to the bar association which is., Garfield the Undying#0328, MickeyMouse#3919 or Cocohop#9454 so that we can ensure that the lawyer is correctly disciplined, if it is needed.

Any sort of appeal from a court case should be done via the court discord (https://discord.gg/4mtswzkGUA) and filing an appeal notice rather than bypassing the correct procedure to file a pk appeal on the fourms which damages the rp 

The case file can be found here

RE: I was fucked in an ally. - Dmitry - 04-10-2021

I didn't know there was an rp appeal. This is the first time I'm seeing this system and I was PKed before claiming a misstrial

I was fucked in an ally. - Rem - 04-10-2021

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.