Diverge Networks
Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - mars0905 - 04-10-2021

Your Name: Pauly Kelly

Your SteamID: 76561198140339040

Reason for ban: So the original ban was that i attempted to rdm 4 guys with my taxi to which i was banned for 23 hours. Anways I came on this afternoon to check if my ban was over and logged on, I was banned permanently because I had logged on my family share account which my dad uses to play arma 3, gmod ect. So now I am permanently banned for alting and i only had a few hours left. 

Length of ban: Permanently but the original was 23 hours with a couple of hours left

Reason for appeal : I had no idea that i just simply clicked on gmod and started playing to check how much time my ban had left. I really don't wanna get perma banned for this shit and if it could even just be put down to a couple months I would be grateful.

Why should you be unbanned? I made a stupid mistake by not checking my account, I'm sorry that i have done this. I would love to play this server more and I feel I have much more to give to the community here especially as I am rather new to this server and would like to experience it more. Thanks guys

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): 

RE: Ban Appeal - Pendred - 04-10-2021

Yes I'm sure you were accidently logged into your "fathers" steam account that has 0 games and was created last month. You are responsible for your own actions, you knew you were banned, yet you went onto another account to try and circumvent the ban.

Denied. Try something more believable next time.