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John Woods PK Appeal - Printable Version

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John Woods PK Appeal - JoeMomma - 04-24-2021

Name of Character: John "Blue" Woods

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120518539

Date of PK: April 24th

Reason for PK: The reasoning was "Treason" and "Robbing Faction Bank"

Why should you be unPK'd?: Well lets start with the PK. First of all I wasnt even aware I was killed, server just changed maps and I spawned in and was at 800 ping, whole server was complaining about the ping when I was in which can be backed up by chat logs.  My game was rubber banding so hard I was stuck on the corner of the apparel building so naturally I went into my menu and reconnected, while my game was here I apparently was in the street where I was run over, I was shown the clip and I was definitely run over but I wasn't even dead and obviously wasnt even playing as when I stood back up there wasnt even any movement and at this point I was already in the process of reconnecting so my recollection is purely based off of their video, I found out about the pk because as I was loading back in I randomly got a message saying "u really just logged off right after we iced you" I responded with "What?" and said what are you even talking about and told him it was wraps for him when I got on. In the video he was standing there after he had run me over and my char stood back up still alive like I should be and then that was the end of the clip and at the end you see my unconscious char disappear as I had already been reconnecting. Now that I think about it I couldn't have even died because when I relogged I spawned in the exact same place and went to the gun store where I then did an @ to staff to unlock it so I could buy ammo so how did I even die? Thats probably why it was clipped the way it was, Pendred took the ticket of me asking for the doors to be unlocked and if my char was unbanned ill spawn where I was at by gun store. So not only was I not killed but the reasoning wasnt valid at the time either. There was no Treason, and there was no Faction Bank Robbing, and when I was on I wasnt even in the faction regardless so please tell me how I robbed a faction bank, beats me. And as for Treason, I never once said or did anything like that, only thing I did was talk my shit to Ghasts in discord dms which are in fact not ic and the text surrounding it shows blatantly that there was nothing IC at all in the first place but of course he tried to argue and claim and reason that it was in fact ic because the Faction Leader announcements in the Diverge main discord is ic, like what lmao. Im all for the pks and fighting after this, but that was sum whacky shit. I have plenty more to contest whatever they care to say so we can do that in comments.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

RE: John Woods PK Appeal - Michael Flanagan - 04-25-2021

So first off damonte has gotten the PK reasons entirely wrong. The PK REASON was under dons orders, damonte was a captain in the faction and had been refusing to pay any kick up assigned as well as he would never listen to any orders given to him as well as he threatened and constantly argued with other captains and hierarchy in the faction as well, which led to us kicking him from the faction [which naturally you have to PK someone you kick as he was way above made man and had a ton of confidential information ICly], we gave it a a long time to try and find this man on the server again but he knew if Flanagan's and him were on at the same time then we would kill him so he avoided being on at the same time as us, we hunted him for days waiting for him to come on and we never seen him, remember this as it will explain the reason he wasnt in the faction at the time.

Let me explain the reason he thinks the PK reason is treason and faction bank robbing, he thinks this because I was asked why I gave a dons order PK on him by pendred and I said specifically treason(even though it was for also insubordination), now i have disclosed this even when I dont have to due to Dons orders being a PK reason that doesn't actually need explanation.

Now you might ask why wasn't damonte in the faction at the time of the PK (he was removed finally from the faction yesterday btw), well we removed him from the faction yesterday because recently there had been guns and money disappearing from the faction bank and we were investigating it [I have evidence of us investigating it, i cant posit it here for some reason so just DM me on discord if you need it] until we came to the realisation that Damonte still had access to the bank and because he has been dodging us by presumably going on different times to us it was very plausible that he was stealing from the faction bank but of course we didn't know for sure so we had to remove him from the faction before his PK to avoid him taking more money and guns from the faction if he was the one doing it.

So the actual PK reason is Dons Orders, i have evidence of me initially announcing the orders of his PK in my announcements channel a week and 3 days ago [DM if needed] as well as I have evidence of him being in the faction as well, now he may very well argue that he wasn't in the faction at the time so how can dons orders apply? well thats easy, because you were still in the faction on the time the order was given out for a week and 3 days until we were forced to remove you so you wouldnt steal shit from the bank, a person is not immune to a PK initially set out on them when they were in the faction just because they get out of the faction because he still has the confidential information on his character that we need to ensure he doesnt leak. You can not possibly expect any boss to allow a rogue former captain of my faction to run off with all the information on my faction to the police or another faction, its insane to say I can not PK him to protect the confidential shit he has on his character.

Now on to this Ping problem thing, WE WERE ALL LAGGING HARD, and to void a PK due to Ping issues is no reason at all, you can clearly see this man move in the clip and unfortunately we dont have a clip of it but damonte was seen by my man named Adam flanagan clearly walking away from gun store and onto the road where he met his demise. Additionally he was clearly moving fine before he was hit.

Now onto the part where damonte says he wasnt even dead. in the clip of damonte being killed and he says the clip cuts after he dies but it actually doesnt, in the clip I get out of my car while my guys are shooting his already dead corpse, You hear his death noise when he died and bruh litterally my men in the clip were shooting this mans dead corpse, and you will see in logs his death to me Michael Flanagan because I was actually the one who killed him according to the Admin M. Hare who looked at logs, furthermore all my men were around him to shoot him if I had failed to kill him myself, so he was in an inevitable situation where there is no way he wasnt going to die and doesnt die. Also not to mention before his death he was soo clearly running fine before he was first hit.

Now Damonte says he did nothing treasonesss, however Damonte had before this been having his own crew not pay kick up to the actual faction and instead keeping all money he and his crew made from the faction the themselves, damonte himself refused to pay kickup and then in the IC channels of the discord would threaten other Captains while also saying how OG he was and how he couldnt be PK'ed. But the dons orders was given on him not just for treason but for insubordination, as damonte refused to follow orders like to pay kick up, to get more men into his crew, To attend hierarchal meetings etc.

The shit talking damonte is talking about would be referring to AFTER he was removed from the faction for the reasons stated above, he was talking this mad shit about how he is going to PK ME (lol) and one of my Captains cus they called his crew "shit". And no this was not the reason he was put under dons orders, he only initially started talking mad shit when he knew he was going to get KICKED from the faction but I actually blacklisted him when he wouldnt stop shit talking. However the dons orders were put on him for genuine IC reasons such as the insubordination and treason.

To conclude, this man says he was PK'ed for treason and faction bank robbing WHEN THAT WAS NOT THE REASON FOR THE PK. This man also says that he was lagging, 1. we were all lagging . 2 before his death he was seen clearly running and moving around fully aware of his surrounding. This man also says he didnt actually die, 1. Look at the clip you hear the death sound, 2. my men were shooting into his body in the clip so hes definitely dead.

Ask for any evidence needed

Also any questions do ask as well. Damonte Fully believes he cant be PK'ed and thinks he can just get out of any PK reason like he always says, i wouldnt let him get out of this one because there litterally was no rules broken, and everything was done correctly, i been doing this stuff for 3 years we did it right and it was entirely fair.

"In the video he was standing there after he had run me over and my char stood back up still alive like I should be and then that was the end of the clip" - I cant remember if i stated this in that fucking essay I wrote but this here is a lie. look at the clip and you will see he was swiftly put back down after we let him stand up again to confirm that it was indeed him


RE: John Woods PK Appeal - JoeMomma - 04-25-2021

Oh this is funny, lets start with your own clip which you can find here https://medal.tv/clips/50482724/d1337DZRRrAp . So as you can see I wasn't "already dead" I was injured lmao and was reconnecting before any bullets were even shot and stood back up but was already not even there and wasnt moving because I was reconnecting your men were never "already shooting his dead corpse" you said "nah nah let him stand up". Thanks for solidifying the lag for me. Now as for your reasons, how are you gonna say those aren't the reasons when UA literally sent the reason.

I was captain for a couple weeks and you told me not to worry about the kickup when I first started, now I also happen to have the ss of you admitting the pk wasnt for "insubordination" and also saying the kickups werent the reason and saying that was your backup if the "treason" didnt happen which it didn't because Discord DMs are not IC. Now again, nobody took shit out of your bank and ive had Pendred himself tell me that faction leaders can request to see who took stuff outta the faction bank, so tell me why you didn't do that if you were actually worried about someone taking stuff out of your bank? Your whole claim that I took some shit and I was avoiding yall and getting on at different times is retarded lmfao, this is my first time on in weeks and you know that and it can be proved by logs easily apart from the fact I have multiple ss of you guys talking shit and saying id have to actually start playing to pk yall, you would have been whacked already. And honestly you wouldn't have been able to kill me without some dumb shit like that happening, and also your "boys" werent in the area lmao, server just restarted and there were like 3 of yall on and you can listen to the audio and its just you two, stop the cap your faction isn't built or even remotely organized enough for that. I was running in the road? Do you know how rubber banding works? I also never claimed I couldn't be pkd lmao, I said I can pk pretty much anyone if thats what you meant. Also there was no "keeping all the kickup for himself and his crew", I literally told my crew to give yall the kickup when I wasnt on which I have proof of too. Also yall didnt kick me out loooool, you said if I touch your lame capo then id be blacklisted and I said and I quote "Ghasts, IDC obviousley im out.

As for you "giving a order" telling your men to kill me, and getting the pk approved and on its way are two very different things bud. And on that note you can't request a pk for certain reasons and then go and backtrack after the fact and say "oh no it was because of this this and this" get your shit together. And also for you to say my crew was bad? My crew wasnt bad, your dumb captain Adam had one of his boys get caught with shit in my crews building by feds during a raid after my guys that were there picked up all their shit and dipped. You're guys are sloppy, you then started getting all scared by the feds and refused for weeks to get the situation sorted out so my guys had a place to do their stuff so I had to try to figure out the situation for you. So after this we had nowhere to go for weeks and do anything as we cant do it in the legal front, so after trying to get you to fix it for a while you finally did it and sold the building right after I had asked multiple times to keep it since it was one of the best properties and our only work area and told you id get it and pay for it and assume all the risk, you play like a little girl. So after that I kept trying to find somewhere to go and you ignored the situation and bought yet ANOTHER legal front where we couldnt do anything there either, how am I supposed to run a crew with that type of shit. Make better decisions lmao. I also tried multiple times to get people in my crew after you kicked out some of my guys for no reason other than because one of them got a 2-day ban. And the last guy I recruited is one of your best guys sooooo. There also was no threatening other captains for no reason, your boy talked shit and we both know im better at that.

After you decided to remove my crew you said you know I didnt have time and put me as made man with no crew, so kickup isnt on me at that point. But really how are you gonna say those arent the reasons for the pk and then in dms say they are and defend them like what? I talked shit a while before I left which is apparent in dms because of your stupid decisions. I think the shit talking was warranted. Anybody can pkd and im not excluded I just said im smarter than the average bear lol, I got you mad when I said you and your boy couldn't pk me not everyone. In the clip you dont hear the death sound you hear the sound thats made when you get hit by a car lmfao? You act like I didnt see Adam at the ATM, so why the hell would I run towards that area or even a car coming towards me? And again watch the clip your dudes didnt even shoot me until I was off of the server. And Ghasts to conclude this lets be real, you said yove been doing this for 3 years acting like I wasnt there the whole time, you cant even call it 3 years you stopped playing for like a year until I got you to come back. Also you haven't been doing shit but sit around and order ME to pk people for a couple years. You've never lifted a finger it was always me, Daniel, Donny, and Kwame, you just took bragging rights and EVERY single time I was the one that made sure it was done right and give the reasoning and talk to staff and contest their pk appeals. Your faction is hurting boy its weak, you have one active capo which is Adam, your other Captain is inactive and doesn't play, nothing against the street boss and underboss but they don't play either, your underboss comes around every few months plays 3 days and dips and idek what happened to the street boss he just stopped playing. So really its just you and your one crew. Which is why you try to preach you "we don't war even though wed win, diplomacy always wins". Tell the truth lol, your story has so many holes it's not even funny.

RE: John Woods PK Appeal - Michael Flanagan - 04-25-2021

He doesnt seem to understand that the reason is DONS ORDERS you can ask the two other staff members that were there to see this PRE APPROVED PK that the reason was Don's orders. Btw you have lied again, you were captain for in gonna say maybe 3 months, and before he starts giving these screenshot evidence, it's not evidence at all it's just him making me argue with him for like a full fickong hour and I forgot to add insubordination to one of the reasons that a DONS ORDERS PK was sent out on him. Damonte lol I also have screenshots of you refusing to charge or pay kick up a d the reason I messaged you the kind message of you dont have time and stuff after I removed your crew was so you didnt expect to be pked when we seen you again. Also jesus stop.crying and trying 5o convince everyone e your the best, with the pks lmao, what fucking bragging rights are you on about lmao

You can ask the admin M.Hare who looked at the logs to see his death to michael Flanagan, but again IK how lag works, damonte has nothing to prove that he was lagging as much as he says he was and no proof to say whu he reconnected, where as my proof is that you see this man walking fine and cha going directions in which he walked, now if he were rubber banding you would see a bit of freezing from his character as well as he would be struggling very hard to change directions in which he walked. I think we all know this man reconnected to try and avoid death and I'm pretty sure he failed to avoid it because seriously...why would you reconnect to the server as of that's going to fix your ping, that makes zero sense

Also your crew consisted of people just robbing and shit, it was the biggest failure of a fucking crew I have ever seen and I hate that I thought that you were able to ever run a crew as you could barely run a fucking Italian crime family

Btw again this is irrelevant because we never SAID YOU DID ROB THE FACTION BANK,WE ONLY SUSPECTED THAT YOU DID AND PROBABLY WOULD WHICH WAS WHY WE HAD TO QUICJLY REMOVE YIU FROM THE FACTION but I will say is asked pendred how can I see who took stuff out of the faction bank and he responded with joe... soo yeah lol but thats irrelevant because again the reason is DONS ORDERS, so not only so I not have to admit what the reasons for the Don's orders were, I was kind enough to say the reasons for the Don's orders PK any which was treason and insubordination. WHERE IN WHAT TIME PERIOD WAS THIS PK INVALID? Ask me for any screenshots you want cus I have them, there is no part of this pk that is invalod

Another funny thing completely irrelevant to the pk but umm damonte didn't get me to come back, nor was he there for the 3 years, more like there for 2. Lol and he thinks he did all the pks for the faction. Lmfao he gives himself soo much credit for soo much shit he thinks he did XD

Where the hell is he getting my faction is hurting from? No were quite fine thanks, just had a pretty successful war and stuff. Thanks for asking

RE: John Woods PK Appeal - Michael Flanagan - 04-25-2021

Just want to add Damonte said he has not been on in weeks but in fact I discovered today that he accessed the faction bank on the 19th you can ask canadian bacon about that, so damonte has once again lied in this appeal as he said he has not been on in weeks when he was on at the 19th. LOL

In reality damonte has lied in this appeal already multiple times as well as he hasnt even got the PK reason right. His main argument was he was lagging to much to react and that he didnt even know he was being killed when this man stood up and looked at us and was well aware that he stood up like he says in this thread. The PK reason was valid, the actions in the PK was valid, the situation that the PK was carried out in what valid. Everything was valid.

RE: John Woods PK Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 04-26-2021

I probably didn't clarify but I was looking at logs from the 19th of the month prior Ghasts. My apologies.

Regardless I'll put this log here.

Vehicle driven by Ghasts (STEAM_0:1:193789588) (Michael ''Ghasts" Flanagan) inflicted 100HP damage to DaMonte (STEAM_0:0:90839421) (John "Blue" Woods)

RE: John Woods PK Appeal - Michael Flanagan - 04-26-2021

So what Bacon has said here, with the logs, damonte claims he didnt die, but I hit him for 100hp as it says that in the logs...

John Woods PK Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 04-27-2021

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.