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Cypher's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Cypher's Ban Appeal - Cypher1357 - 04-28-2021

Your Name: Cypher

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:1:53452957

Reason for ban: "Punch Minging" "Harassment"

Length of ban: 5 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I got banned for asking a dude for his snap in OOC lol mans RPing as a female, As for the punch minging it's literally stupid because me and my friend are punching each other. Beforehand the mod was playing in down time with us. As for the harassment i was playing around and the player never told me otherwise to stop or even indicted for me to stop. As for the 5days i think its excessive for something that i wasnt even pulled into a sit for..  Ban me for sexual harassment after I get a screenshot of you sexually harassing to NY Citizens in a cage. 10/10

Why should you be unbanned? Cus the ban is completely retarded and unreasonable

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Cypher's Ban Appeal - dandead10 - 04-28-2021


This is my only response to that. And just in case. If anyone needs it. I will post extra videos of him rdming multiple people, extra harassment and so forth to lengthen his sentence for being a lying creepazoid and toxic little sludgeball. That and logs showed you murdered me with that pistol. I have thirty minutes of video to go over.


I never asked you to stop huh?


By the way. If you think this so far is bad? There's worse.

Here's another piece. Need I go on?


Final edit:

I would like to thank you for being a lying piece of shit. Good night. Hope you think about your actions in the future and I pray that you don't harass people like this in real life.

If you're wondering context on how we first met, he had demanded me I show my tits, I turned around without saying a word and began walking away. He told me "Get back here bitch or I'll stab you." Bad vibes for literally making a female character within the first five minutes.

RE: Cypher's Ban Appeal - Mr. Hare - 04-28-2021

-1 Lying in a ban appeal

RE: Cypher's Ban Appeal - Cypher1357 - 04-28-2021

Lol I called the female next to me a whore xD she's in discord with me and my friends AND YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE HER MOVE HER CHARACTER TO LOOK AT ME LIKE "BITCH" the whore comment was not intended for dandead . It just so happens that my push to talk is the same as my in game voice command for Gmod. As for the shooting and killing the guy with a pistol he gunned down my friend right in front of me as you can see and hear him getting up calling out the shooter lol but you woudln't have seen that for dandead clearly clipped that part out I don't kill for no reason. And you can clearly hear me asking you if you need a splint out of respect because I thought your legs where broken. As for killing you? I don't recall killing you, I do recall giving you the proper medical attention to keep you alive and I walked away from the situation. Cus afterall you did threaten me in character with your responses. As for everyone around me that I was killing we all where in a discord fucking around with eachother being 100% cool with it. basically it was dwontime so me and my friends where all fucking around, so if you're gonna punish me for the minge punching while we all watch Mr. Hare put 2 NY Civis in a cage to fight to the death with a "Daddys Little Boys" title above them (Sexual Harassment) then hand out punishments to the rest.

Not to mention the amount of worse shit I have seen on this server that gets waved like it's nothing and Not offensive at all Like KKK meetings or civi made factions, Race wars , hate crimes towards BLM , RPing of "gassing" and setting fires to jews. Is much worse in my eyes then telling someone to get back to the kitchen and calling them a whore. Yea it's unprofessional and disrespectful on my behalf and I apologize for that wasn't my goal to upset you to this extent. I just see this 5 day ban as unreasonable given the after events that me and my friends witnessed from Mr. Hares behalf (sexual harassment , power abuse with tools, and then commiting RDM's in character) Feel like its basically a kettle calling a pot black

RE: Cypher's Ban Appeal - dandead10 - 04-28-2021

Since you would like to continue lying:





RE: Cypher's Ban Appeal - Cypher1357 - 04-28-2021

Dandead im not trying to lie just recalling the events and i tend to go overboard when im trying to be a meme with a group of friends, i apologize if i did offend you irl since i thought it wouldnt offend you since i assume most girl models are guys. I guess that would be kinda sexist but i just kept talking to you as if you were a girl. i would like to say thou ooc is ooc and shouldnt be taken seriously on a server like this or half the server would be gone. But i do again apologize i just want to play with my friends.

Cypher's Ban Appeal - Pendred - 04-28-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.