Diverge Networks
Ban apeal - Printable Version

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Ban apeal - Macho_man270 - 05-01-2021

Your name: Andrew Belucchio 
steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580904690 

Reason for ban: Alt tab/ resisting arrest 

Length of ban: 1day 

apologies :I did alt-tab. That part is true, but The charges I got. Weren't needed people drive crazy all the time, most of the time because of car lag. I called an admin, but the Admin had a police outfit and didn't realize it was too late. My friend needed my help, so I was on my way over there when I lagged and hit a lamp post. There were police behind me, but I Drove away, unaware that the cop was trying to pull me over. If the cop said for me to stop, I would have pulled over. I Got out of my car behind grant gas's station. I tried to reason with the officer, but he didn't want to hear it; he restraint me and put me in his car. I sat near a chair in the police station. Some random person freed me from the station, and I ran away. I then alt-tabbed because The charges I got were due to lag, and I have no control over it. I haven't caused that many issues on the server during my time here. I only have one warning.

why you should be unbanned: When my car lagged out and hit the light post shouldn't have gotten me arrested. I should be banned 100% for alt-tabbing. I think one day is too harsh. I think one day is a little to harsh since I only have one warning on my record   If I knew that an admin was there, I would have described the situation to him. I overlooked him cause of what he was wearing a polices outfit, and I thought he was a cop because we were in the Police Station and he had on a police uniform and, and I didn't know, that he was there.

Ban apeal - Rem - 05-02-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

The ban was only for LTAP. Resisting arrest is not a bannable offense (unrelated to FearRP).

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules