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Kovski Bratva App - Printable Version

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Kovski Bratva App - Mio Honda - 11-16-2020

Name of Faction: Kovski Bratva 

Number of Members(Minimum of 5):22

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Crime borther hood

Organization Backstory (Minimum of 150 Words): [b]how we came to be[/b]

1950's Soviet Russia Stalin's regime is growing ever forceful as many are Starved and worked to the bone for "the good of the Soviet people" many wish for a better life but are afraid to voice their own concern. The rise of the Kovksi Bratva is directly tied to the Forced labor camps inside of Soviet Russia formed by an Peter Konev a former white army soldier inside of the forced labor camp outside of  Now Stalingrad. 

Even though many members of the Bratva would never leave these work camps the influence they had was able to spread their commands and such from inside to out through the use of corrupt facility guards and the works, Eventually the Network had run across most of the Ukraine,don Cossack and southern Russian regions. With this many of the Bratva had carried out Gun smuggling outside the country for funds and Food shipment runs providing more food for the starving workers across southern Russia.

 [b]The beginning of the end[/b]

Aleksandr Romanov was a shadowy figure within the Bratva for a long time but he moved through the ranks going from a orphan street kid in the suburbs of Kharkov he earned the Nickname Tsar when he killed a Soviet police officer to cover for the Pahkan. On December 12th 1969 the Pahkans daughter was having her birthday party the Bratva were in high spirits and while the night seemed nice and Dreamlike for many The Russian authority did not want to keep it that way the bravta had been on the radar for years and the Government was going to try and find anyway to regain control of the southern half of the country linking the phakan to the death of the Soviet police officer that was killed only  few years prior.

The next few moments the doors to the building were blown down and Local police forces accompanied by KGB officers began to gun down as many men they could see by the end of the night only a few men stood watching as the pahkan gripped to his chest where the blood poured as his final action he named Aleksandr pahkan of the kovski bratva he only had one last thing to ask the Bratva leaves the motherland to save itself. Not much was left for the Bratva in Russia only a handfull survived the attack and a few former brothers were no where to be seen after that night so as the current pahkan Aleksandr would take the few survivors who were willing on a boat to Italy then catch a plane going towards Brooklyn.

[b]This is now[/b]
While the Bratva remain a shadow of their former self they still have contacts in Russia from the old days calling in favors and such and even gun smuggling of eastern block weapons such as the Ak47, svt rifles and others they could get out of the motherland. Aleksandr would do his best from this point on to lead the Bratva towards glory and maybe one day return to mother russia but of course that was more a pipe dream.

RE: Kovski Bratva App - Joker. - 11-16-2020

+1 good people

RE: Kovski Bratva App - Wish - 11-16-2020

I like the idea, need more diverse factions, rather it not be a ItalianRP, I give it a +1

RE: Kovski Bratva App - Diverge - 11-17-2020
