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Scar's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Scar's Ban Appeal - Scar - 05-14-2021

Your Name: Scar

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:201578163

Reason for ban: Mass RDM

Length of ban: Perma

Reason for appeal: Reason being I am appealing my ban is to see how well the server has done and hopefully come back and enjoy MafiaRP again but if the RP won't be enjoyable for me I will leave it alone and won't do anything that will harm the server in any way, When I did MRDM I did a gesture so it would impact me and help out someone.

I gave away all my money from both char's so It would damage me if I returned, which hopefully It will if this appeal gets accepted if not then I will either wait for another server or wait 6 months to see how the server is doing again. 

I understand once I MRDM and when Pendred Banned me, I went over to the discord because I was Pinged by Pendred him self saying "Embarrassing" and immature me replied with "got bored", "needed my KD up a bit" I have learn that this was not a good way of even responding to the message and then Mr Pendred said "well you're gonna be even more bored when you can never play mafiarp again" so sadly I was a bit toxic and said "Damn, Diverge is my life? When did that become a thing? When did a Mafiarp Fake Founder become in charge of my life". What I said was rude and immature of me so I am sincerely sorry for my actions and do not condone any who does this. We all should be given Second Chances.

Why should you be unbanned?: I have changed my ways at how to response and how to go at things and to make sure not to abuse what I have been given and what appreciation In this Community since quite a lot of people know who I am and people know how I can react to such things and how Intense and disrespectful I can become.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://i.imgur.com/YyKa9NA.png

RE: Scar's Ban Appeal - The Gent - 05-14-2021


Scar definitely has great roleplaying potential and was in my faction prior to his ban

I’ve known him for close to a year at this point and can say with good conviction he is willing to keep true to his word.
I would like to see Scar have the ability to come back and experience the Roleplay my faction has built. I can’t help but feel some of his boredom is partially to blame on me as his faction leader. I don’t want to feel like I failed someone that I had the ability to make one of the greatest members within my faction.

I’d also like to add that we’ve seen far more... colorful personalities come back from perm bans than scar.

RE: Scar's Ban Appeal - BoopyDoop - 05-14-2021


Scar has done great roleplay in the past and has been with the mafia rp community for a long time.
He isnt a minge, i think this was a one off thing because he was bored and im pretty sure he wouldn't do it again.

RE: Scar's Ban Appeal - Lucas - 05-15-2021


Scar is great with roleplay and has been in the community for a very long time

RE: Scar's Ban Appeal - robert - 05-25-2021


Seems genuinely remorseful and willing to return to RP.

Plus I don't think one a single count of MassRDM warrants a perma.

Scar's Ban Appeal - Somespy - 05-27-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules