Diverge Networks
PET Flag Appeal - Printable Version

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PET Flag Appeal - LyricalToxic - 05-16-2021

Your Name: LyricalToxic

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:426599853

Staff Member involved: Unknown

What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET

Reason for blacklist (if given): Misuses of the pet flags for non realistic / minge behaviour

Why should they be returned?: I believe I should have my flags back as this is my first major offense. For a little insight into the situation, what I had done is put ropes on the park statue as well as write a more or less regrettable text screen. However before I had even left the area I began to notice people's actions around me so I had gotten rid of everything, this can be confirmed by staff. However, as this is my first offense in this regard as well as it not being anything major such as prop pushing or using props to blow up people's cars I believe my flags should be returned to me. You can ask around and know that apart from this one small moment I do use my flags for better purposes. Such as placing down dupes for buildings to enhance everyday player-to-player interaction to hosting events when need be. I hope to get a response soon and any further information needed I have no problem sharing.

RE: PET Flag Appeal - Rem - 05-22-2021


Any further issues with PET Flags/PAC Flags will induce harsher consequences.