Diverge Networks
Limon's PAC Appeal - Printable Version

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Limon's PAC Appeal - GiovanniLucchese - 06-03-2021

Your Name: Jose "Limon" Herrera

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:495539526

Staff Member involved: Z O O M E R

What flags were blacklisted from you?: PAC3

Reason for blacklist (if given): Doing dumb shit with PAC3

Why should they be returned?: I apologize on my behalf for the FailRP that I did with my PAC3, I promise I will not do it again. PAC is the only thing that makes my character the way he is, without it I'd just be some guy without any nice jewelry or good traits to me. I was on an ALT character to mess around with and not have anything traced back to my main character, making my self like 7 foot tall and making myself very wide, I was very bored and I didn't know what else to do, there want much going on so I wanted to mess around for a bit then go back to normal RP, when i saw that my PAC flags were going to be removed i regretted everything i did and thought to myself how I could have been soo stupid. When I did it I saw that I stupidly clicked wear instead of Remove, when I did it my character was very wide and Z O O M E R was there to see it, I sincerely  apologize for my actions and I will not commit them again, Please return my PAC3.


RE: Limon's PAC Appeal - Rem - 06-07-2021


Any further PAC warnings may result in an immediate blacklist again.

Please re-make a PAC application.