Diverge Networks
Flag Appeal - Printable Version

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Flag Appeal - Romullus - 06-04-2021

Your Name: Manuel Antonio

SteamID: 76561198407766089, STEAM_0:1:223750180

Staff Member involved: I really don't know, the perms were taken when I was not on.

What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Flags (toolgun, physgun)

Reason for blacklist (if given): PET flags abuse

Why should they be returned?:

First off, yes what I did was wrong, I'm not here to argue that. Although, the context in which I used my PET flags was not taken into account, since I was not on the server during the retrieval. That being said, here is the context. The person that was in the police vehicle was a minge that stole a cop car at Cityhall. He then proceeded to run people over at Cityhall (you must have logs for this ig). I then took my recruit to get him clothes and he followed us and tried running me over. Since I did not have a weapon, I took the wrong decision and decided to use my flags to get rid of someone that was ruining the RP of the server.

Secondly, something to realize is that I did not use my flags for a pure mean and mingy reason. Yes, I've used it for a bad reason in the past and was warned by Rem. Which, I told him that I was sorry that I won't use it for a stupid reason. Which, up to date, I have not used my flags to simply blow a car or kill someone off of pure hate. Like I mentioned, that person was causing great troubles to the community with the police vehicle he stole.

To conclude, whatever reason I give will never justify the unprofessional use of my pet flags but I really want the staff team to take into consideration the context of this whole situation. I which to get my flags back as I run a faction, and dupes are a necessity for an increased RP and overall enjoyment. I realize and understand that the use of the physgun was technically abusive. That being said, I apologize to the minge, wherever he could be in this world, the women that followed me for 30 seconds to report me and the entirety of the staff team.

RE: Flag Appeal - Rem - 06-05-2021

Please provide your SteamID32 not your CommunityID

RE: Flag Appeal - shrimps - 06-05-2021


This is the evidence that the flag removal was based upon.

RE: Flag Appeal - Romullus - 06-05-2021

(06-05-2021, 01:31 PM)shrimps Wrote: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZE337d5m-KD98GqPfS_NvQA54JXNcVw_/view?usp=sharing

This is the evidence that the flag removal was based upon.
That is correct, I based my appeal on this video.

RE: Flag Appeal - Rem - 06-07-2021


Only accepting due to no prior warnings regarding PET flags.

Please make a ticket when a Super Admininistrator+ is online to receive your flags.