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Federal Reformation - Printable Version

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Federal Reformation - dandead10 - 06-08-2021

Federal Reformation is a Necessity:

According to those that are members of the federal government, they very much care about the prospect of reporting officers that are doing things that they aren't supposed to be doing. However, they proclaim that footage must be taken in areas of CCTV footage. In addition to this, there is no one to balance the federal government's workers other than the Federal Government itself, of which itself is heavily corruptible. In other words, it becomes not a matter of in game corruption, more so that of out of character corruption. There have been federal agents that have burst into buildings using /doorkick without any search warrants, nor any valid evidence or video presented of reasonable doubt or suspicion. There have been arrests made and trials in court where people have been arrested on cases of heresay.

Therefore, I propose a matter of suggestion where in order for an arrest to be made valid, a police officer must out of character provide footage giving signs of probable cause or otherwise, in which case, otherwise, it becomes heresay between the plaintiff and the law. While staff and other individuals may argue, "Corruption should be dealt with I.C" The fact of the matter is, in order for a cop to be corrupt, they are supposed to have staff permission in the first place. There have been too many arrests made, violations of the rules rather blatantly, and so forth, and the law enforcement, especially the FBI abuse their power and privileges to do this, and use the statement that "We need I.C footage" to provide any form of punishment, when OOC footage should be just as fine in the event I.C corruption wasn't approved in the first place.

While the argument or debate on this can be expanded, frankly, my time is precious, short, and I'd rather address people civilly on this matter and leave room for counter argument or debate.

Besides, I need to move to my second argument.


Balance of Power:

Putting it simply, the law enforcement is the most hated faction, debatably out of any, and the reason why is because they have the incredible power of PK, with little to no risk themselves. If they die, they do not lose anything, for they may simply go back to their armory, pick up new weapons, new ammo, and head out. However, for the hate they get, they ultimately end up becoming a faction that doesn't serve the people, nor care about the actual administration of justice, more so becomes a faction that is tired of the laws and regulations and thrives off of the idea of PKing people. There are law enforcement offers that relish it, and in fact, yell out in jubilation at the prospect of having murdered someone. In addition, it is very difficult to change law enforcement or even legal systems at that. 

In addition, with the changed firearm laws, the law enforcement has become the most terrifying faction. They walk through the streets with guns in hand. Shotguns at that. FBI sometimes even walk through the streets with Colt Commandos in their hands. They have now legal permissions for weapons such as RPK, as well as M249, which are incredibly costly and difficult for criminals to obtain, of which they may obtain casually any time they die through their armory. One may argue that the law enforcement needs these weapons because criminals have access to these weapons all the time. However, one must also acknowledge now that the law must also be balanced in the event that the law, or rather city council wishes to make more and more legal restrictions to increase the amount of crimes. There should be literally no reason why law enforcement have 200 round LMG, or 75 round RPK, or suppressed weapons. While I do not know all of the solutions to the problem, or perhaps even the full depths of the problems, all I know for a certain fact is that there are problems.

If not just IC, then OOC. 

I am not saying all federal agents or law enforcement are corrupt or are PK hungry. I simply state that it is a prevalent problem when you hear law enforcement agents cheer at the prospect of PK. It's a miserable job being a fed, and I imagine that's why in part they feel entitled to make other people's lives miserable.

Potential Issues TLDR:

1. Evidence vs Corruption
2. OOC vs IC Corruption.
3. Imbalance of Firearms.
4. PK Hunger
5. Law Enforcement Standards

[As a minor sidenote, I have been a cop before. They promote you from cadet to officer in about a week. Trust me. It's appalling how in one week, I can become a man who when I die can get infinite shotgun and ammo.]

RE: Federal Reformation - Sp3ctre - 06-08-2021

Massive +1.

The FBI is completely out of control, They consistently break the Law, enter private properties without Warrants, Arrest people for no valid reason, and act in corrupt and Unlawful ways,
Many of the current FBI agents are completely Un-Profesional and should not have the privileges and responsibility that they are entrusted with.


RE: Federal Reformation - LargerMike - 06-08-2021


I like the Idea of this document, however I feel that a reform of the FBI Is no where near enough. The FBI server little to no purpose but to do NYPD duties and undermine them through terms of "Authority". Speaking as an ex-Police Officer on the server. We fucking *Hate* the FBI and every time they Interact with us or assist us. Again, I think they should be completely dismantled and folded down Into the Detectives Unit In the NYPD so they can retain some actual RP after they lose their faction.

RE: Federal Reformation - AerodynamicsCop - 06-08-2021

I Agree. The fact that there are no knock No warrants and arresting them this and that here and there, its very annoying. There def. needs to be reform in the FBI, and there def needs to be a better recruiting system. There are very few respectable and law/rule abiding FBI agents, and that needs to change.

You have my +1

RE: Federal Reformation - Bigman10 - 06-08-2021

Them man are spastics and tyler ross is a cock head

RE: Federal Reformation - Hue - 06-08-2021

+1 Yes.

RE: Federal Reformation - ZharkZ - 06-08-2021

+1 yes please

FBI also likes to use Entrapment/Baiting to arrest you. I've seen and dealt with feds a lots of times when they for an example tresspass and won't leave when told to, basically just baiting u to shoot em or pull a gun to either raid a building or make an arrest.

RE: Federal Reformation - Michael Flanagan - 06-08-2021

Too true.

However something tells me nothing will happen. staff are gonna say some top tier excuse to this or whatever, i have given up on fighting the bias gov has.

RE: Federal Reformation - WaterBucket - 06-08-2021

+1 This is very good

RE: Federal Reformation - Mio Honda - 06-08-2021

Alright so the fact that these are all flannigan plus 1's is a little sus lmao but yeah I can agree with some of this I heard there was legislation to bring down the fire arm capacity to the level of Civilians

Since the new fire arms laws were made to justify being able to lower law enforcements heavy arms since up until these laws were passed the biggest argument for PD having m249's was that you all had full kit colt commandos and legally cops couldn't do shit about it

One of the biggest issues with law enforcement is that there is no real rp inside of the force, while Mobs still cling to it through the use of ceremonys and a getting system police lack this

Honestly re introducing the application would help bring some more serious aspects into PD as well as enforcing more rp into the force, lest you risk getting discharged and needing to do the application again

Seriousness of rp within PD could fix it but quite frankly this is diverge not much you can expect until then cops will just be in killable waves of fighters who cycle into combat by sitting in a discord vc at all times and using it as an excuse to break nlr while if you shoot back and die you not only can't break nlr but will be PKed