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Appeal - Printable Version

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Appeal - wakiestfall801 - 06-13-2021

Your Name: julian

Your SteamID Wakiestfall801

Reason for ban:LTAP MINGE

Length of ban:4 days

Reason for appeal the nation of islam was harrasing our building and vandalizing it so we got revenge and when a guy said i think it was this guy i left because i didnt wanna be killed by the nation and if what i did was minge then them writing fuck crackers on our bar also is

Why should you be unbanned? because i dont personally understand why this is bannable and the fact that an admin without cause said my rp name and used a physics gun on me in front of many people is uncalled for good day

RE: Appeal - Sten - 06-13-2021

Hi there! I am the staff member who issued the ban.

So, lets start from the beginning. There was a bit of property destruction and mass entity spawning at the NOI mosque, and a ticket was made asking for assistance. I arrived, helped clean up the entities, and deleted the text screens.

End of story right? Wrong. Every 15 seconds for the next 5 or so minutes a new ticket would be made in regards to textscreen spam. Finally getting tired of removing textscreens that had swastikas and contained the words "Fuck Niggers" I decided to check logs to see who had been spamming these textscreens. To my surprise an individual with the rp name "Killmuslims" was the one spamming. After grabbing him with my physgun, and freezing him, the individual disconnected.

This punishment is completely justified, and was extended beyond what I had initially intended to issue because of the user leaving to avoid punishment.

I also suggest that the user be temporarily blacklisted from his flags, as the /flagblacklist command cant be issued after a user disconnects.

I ask that UA keep this ban in place.

Thank you very much.

Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 06-13-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules