Diverge Networks
Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Hopper - 06-14-2021

Your Name: Gabriel Rodriguez

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87683589

Reason for ban: Running away from sit

Length of ban: 1 day

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am brand new to the server (literally 20 minutes played) I was doing random jobs around the map and a person who was constantly crashing into my delivery van with a taxi pulled their gun on me and told me to "run my shit". 
1: I have no idea how to operate money in the game 
2: My screen was black saying I was bleeding, and 
3: By the time I realized what was happening a mod had already pulled me saying I was going to get PK'ed? No idea what that meant.
 I then died from oxygen deprivation and got banned for "Running away from a sit".

I know 1 day ban big whoop just wait a day, but I was really interested in getting into the server and if that is how i'm going to be treated not even 20 minutes into playing why would I consider joining ever again? After contacting the mod on discord that banned me, he told me "there was no admin on so I banned you" then proceeded to ignore me. After talking to another mod asking for help I was told "That's how Sten is".

I'd really like to play on the server but don't exactly have time during the week (as in 1 day from now). Please give me the chance to play.

Additional Information (images, video, etc.): None

RE: Ban Appeal - Sten - 06-14-2021

Hi! I was the moderator that banned you.

I was called to a sit where two criminals were mugging you with pistols, and you kept trying to run away with their car instead of participating in the RP. Even after I gave you a directive as a staff member to comply with FearRP, you ignored me and continued to run, proceeding to run even when it was turned into a staff sit.

Essentially, to break it down, you broke fearRP, refused to comply with my orders to properly follow rp (FailRP), and ran from the sit halfway through.

Generally, this would be a PK for not complying with FearRP, but because no administrators+ were on the server, I had to issue an OOC punishment.

I believe the ban was justified, however if UA would rather turn this into a pk, be my guest.

RE: Ban Appeal - Hopper - 06-14-2021

(06-14-2021, 02:01 AM)Sten Wrote:  you ignored me and continued to run, proceeding to run even when it was turned into a staff sit.

My screen was black and I died. You banned me right after I spawned at the hospital.

I don't mind if I have to create a new player; however, I do mind that I had to contact you on discord, then your colleague, then make an account on the forum to post a ban appeal just to get a description of my ban.

RE: Ban Appeal - lil yung blud 888 - 06-14-2021

im the one who tried mugging you, after we told you to obey fear rp and you broke it we shot you and called an admin (which i have a clip of if needed) then the admin brought you to a sit explaining fear rp and shit which then you responded saying that you dont care that youre under fear rp then you ran away from the area the sit was taking place in.
even if you are a new player you should atleast listen to the admin instead of saying that you don't care, and if you do come back to this server please read the rules

PK would honestly be better

Ban Appeal - Rem - 06-14-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.