Diverge Networks
Snow Report - Printable Version

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Snow Report - Joker. - 12-18-2020

Your Name: Joker, BigTaco, TacoKnight99
Your SteamID: 
Offender(s) Name(s): Snow_Arnulf
Offender(s) SteamID(s) (Unkown)
Server this occurred on?: Diverge Networks MafiaRP
Time of Incident: Multiple
Rule(s) Violated: Doing nothing when taking tickets.
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): I don't have any evidence but I know for a fact multiple other people have had encounters with him where he wouldn't do anything at all to help their ticket. Someone else might have video though, I am not sure. Overall he just hasn't done anything to help the player's tickets.
Additional Information (Players/staff directly involved, etc): Snow_Arnulf

RE: Snow Report - ChickenOofis - 12-18-2020


Each time I call him he doesn't do anything, at one point calling me an idiot whenever I said the dude DC'ed. He has seen people VDM, but brushes it off because, "I don't have video proof."
Edit: He's also really slow with sits.

RE: Snow Report - Santa - 12-18-2020

+1 Very bad at his job

RE: Snow Report - David "Davey" Castillo - 12-18-2020

+1 does not do his job right

RE: Snow Report - Rem - 12-19-2020

I have created approx. 5-8 tickets and the majority I believe were accepted and done by Snow. He is a very kind person and I have asked him about rule questions which turn out to be very helpful. Response time may not be the fastest, but that is simply understandable as there are constantly 100 players and that's a lot of chaos. Also, there may be more than him not doing anything in a sit because some tickets may just be invalid/minges/jokes.  I just find it unusual that nobody has video evidence if this is such a common occurrence. This report is weak. If evidence is provided then I will reconsider my vote.

RE: Snow Report - ChickenOofis - 12-19-2020

I cant get video evidence if I don't have my other drive.

RE: Snow Report - fischer - 12-19-2020

I'm unable to do anything if there is no proper evidence like a video, screenshot, or logs. Upper Administration is unable to reach a decision if the aforementioned items are not disclosed.

If you wish to elaborate further, by sending me a video, screenshot, etc. then do so, or else this report will be closed within 48 hours.

RE: Snow Report - deppob - 12-19-2020

+1 he is very bad at his job

RE: Snow Report - Slee - 12-20-2020

-1 Snow has help me out countless times, all of them he handled properly

RE: Snow Report - Wish - 12-24-2020

After investigation this is denied, while snow does make some mistakes he is a good staff member. I will speak to him about these events though.