Diverge Networks
vKarmix Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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vKarmix Ban Appeal - kash - 06-18-2021

Your Name: vKarmix

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): SSTEAM_0:0:120251557STEAM_0:0:120251557STEAM_0:0:120251557EAM_0:0:120251557

Reason for ban: VDM | NLR | ALTING

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Alright, so this ban went from a day to a perma, I should've understood and followed the rules of Alting better, I had a pretty good amount of fun on the server, whether that was singing at the Flanagan's bar, DJing at the city square, or even just having a fun RP. This would've been my first ever ban, I really don't wanna be perma'd, my own small enjoyment for making mingey-content for YouTube got the best of me, I want to apologize to the admins that had to watch those clips, I am planning on taking the videos down for my own and others morale. I ask that I please be lifted from my perma ban, I met a lot of good people on the server and I hate that one stupid mistake I made fucked me over in the end and now I'm permanently banned from a server that over the last few days have put so many hours onto, I understand my mistake and ask that the ban be reduced from permanent.

Why should you be unbanned? I don't ask for a unban, as for the reason I was banned is completely valid and truthful, I just ask for a removal of the ALTing part, I didn't know it was a permanent ban from the server, a friend had told me a week. I don't know why I made the decision I did, a lust for attention some might say. I ask that you forgive me for ALTing, even though it is a very serious offense. I just want to come back and play with those same great people I was playing with during my playtime. Please consider this as a apology, thank you.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

RE: vKarmix Ban Appeal - pistolretard - 06-18-2021

someone delete my reply

vKarmix Ban Appeal - Pendred - 06-18-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules