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the batmans ban appeal - Printable Version

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the batmans ban appeal - Javier7083 - 06-22-2021

Your Name: The Batman

Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:57050435

Reason for ban: RDM

Length of ban: 2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I do not see why i was banned for 2 days. the moderator took his own sit and i think it is baised.

Why should you be unbanned? Because im a active player and a active cop for the server. i give people fun rp and havent been warned for a month or two, i was also stressed because it was code black in pd and i kept being shot at

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: the batmans ban appeal - Ruffian - 06-22-2021

Alright cool.

Yeah, I guess I'll break the situation down. To start off, you did half the work for me. You're an active player who is a corporal in the NYPD and has logged a good amount of game time. You know the rules of the server and I know you know the rules of the server, because you've racked up a handful of warnings. The latest of which was two weeks ago, not two months ago. So, you're on at 40-50 players and think this is a good time to clown around, but I'm here to say that going around and ruining the experiences of those 40-50 players by RDMing people and degrading the SeriousRP environment is unacceptable. As such, you've been prohibited from connected from the server for two days. A minor punishment, considering the extent of your crimes.

I enter into evidence Exhibit A, this video.

After a gunman appears on the steps of the 29th Precinct, policemen unleash an unholy barrage of gunfire that I am caught in the middle of. I'm down for the count and not in a good way. So, I get back up. I knock on the door. I ask you for a stitch. I say that you should me and complain. Your response? "Get shot again." You really gotta' love it when the supposed shining examples of roleplay stoop to such depths. You're an embarrassment to the faction, truly. I can't believe you would FailRP to such an extent where you murder a citizen of the United States of America on the steps of a police precinct with some half-witted sassy remark. You had absolutely no reason to kill my character. It was a blatant case of a failure to roleplay and random deathmatch. I'm sorry if you feel your status as an "active cop player" immunizes you from the rules, but this is simply not the case.
Funnily enough, you have no defense for this, because you admitted to RDMing me and proceeded to half-way insult me while I banned you.

I don't believe the punishment is unreasonable. You're aware of the rules, an active player (as you said), and a ranking supervisor of a prolific and prestigious faction which serves an IC and OOC purpose. You were fully aware of your actions and chose that unwise course of action anyway. Maybe this time you'll think twice before going around RDMing civilians asking for help. Who knows.

RE: the batmans ban appeal - Canadian-bacon - 06-22-2021

Video is pretty evident and the user fails to mention any of the circumstance leading up to the ban in the appeal. The reason for appeal in of itself is weak.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules