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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - donpete - 07-04-2021

Your Name:Brando Ricci

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561198290482606

Reason for ban: RDMx1/ARDMx1  , PO's 
Length of ban:21 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I'd like to star off by saying this , I'm very sorry for causing up a commotion yet again and for having staff waste their time and such nonsense, second this punishment was brought to me by the community manager Canadian Bacon who as we all know does an amazing job managing the community and helping tremendously with the server and maintaining it, Third a three week ban for two counts of rdm is really a overkill and is something given to mass rdmers and people who cause catastrophic commotion, third I was not granted a sit or a  confrontation of a staff at all whatsoever , and when I was banned I was banned by Canadian bacon when he was registered as unknown meaning he was in character and not in staff mode , like I said no sit no nothing I was just rping in my store then all of a sudden I'm greeted with a grey screen that says that , originally it was a month and 14 days , now its 21 days , I was given no opportunity to explain myself at all and I feel as if there is a bias against me from Canadian bacon for no apparent reason , I have no grudge against him and any of the staff members but to me it seems as if he has one to me , it feels like harassments and if he was spectating me and admits to it even more , I don't come on the server to minge or kill randomly the previous offense was late night shenanigans and unruly guilty of the offense, but this time is different and I play a very important role in the faction I'm in and because of my lengthy absence it's falling apart and is unstable as we speak , I had just got unbanned the day before and I was reorganizing a week worth of paperwork and work and had to pull an all nighter so I just ask for your patience and understanding to whoever is readying this, such a lengthy ban when mass rdmers are usually given 2 week bans and that whole day I spent rping at the store and grinding up. Now , to explain the first rdm , there was a police officer harassing / about to detain one my associates of my faction , so i watched for a solid 5-7 seconds and then I killed the police officer and went about my day, as for the 2nd I was informed via in game phone call by one of my employees who is employed at the store that there was a white shirt in the store stirring up trouble and being disturbing to my customers , he knocked out my employee after the situation escalated and the person refused to leave , now the employee had no guns so I was told he was still in the area and was behind the store, so naturally I found a white shirt directly behind my store and I asked if he was new around here whilst also on the phone with my employee as he was describing him , so the dude was typing and he matched the exact same description I kid you not , so naturally as my character is also a hitman I carried out the hit for assaulting one of my members and that was that.
Why should you you be unbanned? Like I said I'm a very dedicated player to this server which I very much love , not to mention also a donor and active within the community through discord and IC, the ban was unreasonable and no sit was made just straight ban and I leave for vacation in 9 days for a month and I have a lot of organizing to do with my faction before so, I'm unable to since I am banned and also, felt like a biased ban as it was stated in the ban that was also due to POs, thank you to whoever read the whole thing from beginning and for your time and patience. update- edit

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 07-04-2021

Your steamid is STEAM_0:0:165108439

You were banned for walking up to players and executing them. You did target a whiteshirt as you described but he was no way involved in 'stirring trouble' in the store. You saw the first white shirt and decided he was the man. This is obviously RDM. From my perspective it seemed like you were intentionally targeting new players and executing them as they would have no way to ask for help or seek retribution.

As for the portion of the ban that says POs this indicates your past offenses and bans were not clear to you. Having just gotten off a 7 day ban it seemed you had gone straight back to breaking rules.

However I will accept this appeal and reduce it to 7 days.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 7 days.