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RyanWhiskey ban appeal - Printable Version

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RyanWhiskey ban appeal - RyanWhiskey - 07-11-2021

Your Name: RyanWhiskey(i forgot my rp name)

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:0:184344669

Reason for ban: global  rule (not actually what happen but that's what it says)

Length of ban:perma 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute 

Why should you be unbanned? So the day I disappear from mafia rp was because of a huge issue in my life and not so big issue in game what happen that day was big for me because of what was going on in my life .so lets begin the day that it all when down was around 5-4 months ago i don't know the exact day but anyway short story i got pk on my main character and in a fit or rage i unban my character (back then i was a senior admin) and swap all my stuff over to my new one and i got found out by bacon and told i was getting demote and nothing else i then told him no i'll just leave and that was it but that's not reason i got perma ban the reason was because pendred thought i looking for attention because i was cutting my self i DON'T HOW HE THOUGHT OF THAT but he did even tho in a discord call even said himself:"i'm here for you if you need anything talk to me" and after that bacon told him what happen and he pretty much block me tho i do understand why he did because i told i was going to off myself but i don't understand how he then proceed to tell everyone or admins only (someone show me a screen shot of him saying that)  that i was perma ban because i was looking for attention by me cutting my self. if he wants to he could twist my word or make something up about  how any of what said right now is lies he going ahead and do it and say that but i know what happen that day and i never have ever harm the server or did anything abusive when i was still a admin. but in the end of the day i think this ban is going special because i didn't massrdm or did anything bad server beside what i just say it want pendred wants in the end he want's to keep me perma ban so be it but i just wanting to put my word out and state what had happen that day and i want to see some of my friends that day 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): all the images i had on discord were deleted by me because i didn't i would want to come back to the server 

RE: RyanWhiskey ban appeal - Canadian-bacon - 07-11-2021

After being caught abusing you resorted to your usual depressive stuttering claiming you were simply going to end your life.

Threatening to end your own lives to others is directly manipulative as it attempts to burden them into feeling pity among a host of other negative things. That kind of behaviour is both disgusting and inexcusable. In any case if a garrys mod server is affecting your mental health to the point of attempted suicide or self harm in order to protect you and ourself from liability it's outside our interest to continue to allow you to participate in the community.

You made your bed. Lie in it.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules

RE: vKarmix Ban Appeal (#2) - Pendred - 07-11-2021

After being PK'd fair and squarely, you decided to delete the log of the PK in some attempt to unofficialise is, then you unPK'd your characters, transferred your stuff over (thinking we wouldn't find out), then proceeded to message dozens of community members, saying very extreme things, saying you're going to kill yourself, life wasn't worth living, etc. I was included in that, I made an attempt to talk to you to try and help you out, but I soon realised that you were not serious, and were using this in an attempt to leverage your Garry's Mod role.

That night I recieved at least 20 DMs from concerned community members showing me DMs between you and them, some containing screenshots of what you were implying to be your cut and bruised wrist. After seeing the position you had put them in, some of them being extremely young who had never dealt with anything like this before who came to me in tears, worried to their stomach about your wellbeing, I decided to exile you to prevent you from using our platform for manipulation any further. I also got in contact with the relevant authorities, informing them of your actions. Regardless of it not being genuine, you said some very extreme stuff, I find it disgusting that someone would lower themselves to that level for the purpose of a character on a 20 year old game. I hope you get the help you needed, evidently you aren't right in the head.