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Mental Ban Appeal. - Printable Version

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Mental Ban Appeal. - Sp3ctre - 07-14-2021

Your Name: Average Stella Drinker

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:101341510

Reason for ban: VDM x3 (Was extended for "Recent Offenses" which were completely unrelated to this incident so i want to appeal the full ban)

Length of ban: 7 Days.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute.

Why should you be unbanned?: I Should be unbanned due to the fact that the ban itself was made out of poor judgment of the Staff Member in question (Vox), I Reasonably believe that what I did was not VDM in any way as I had a valid reason to do what I did (That being run over 2 Police Officers and 1 Person unconscious on the floor), Corporal Nicholas Weber was in the act of attempting to arrest someone, not just anyone, someone who I had been rather friendly with at the time, and had been Rp'ing with for a short amount of time, The context of this story is that I drove along the road, on which was Weber and another police officer, trying to get this unconscious suspect up IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, Then, I Drive up to them and admittedly do come quite close to them in my vehicle, However Weber decides to point a Glock-17 directly at my head, and tell me to leave, So, Due to this very real physical Threat, and the fact that someone i have just had an Rp exchange with and am on good terms with is being arrested by him, I Drive down the road, pull a U-Turn and Piledrive my car into Weber and his fellow Officer, Accidentally hitting the person who is also unconcious on the road between the two officers. - (VDM? I think not).

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I Can provide video evidence Via a discord call to any staff who wish to see it.

Note - I Hold no ill feelings towards Vox, I Just believe his Judgment and the way he dealt with the situation were improper and poor, and do not believe i should have been banned - (i would also like to add that before my ban, i was not taken to a sit, i was not asked my side of the story or my motivation for the actions, just banned out of nowhere).

RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - Vox - 07-14-2021

Hello Sp3ctre,

My point of view in regard to what happened, was that there was a man who had almost stabbed a police officer, Weber more specifically, and then was shot and downed. They attempted to heal him as he wasn't dead and you proceeded to intervene and drive over your friend. After this, you proceeded to drive about 100 yards away, turn around, and pile drive into the group. The alleged reason for this VDM was that "Weber had pointed a gun at you", however, the police officer was almost stabbed about 15-20 seconds ago and just still has his firearm out. I did not see this as a valid claim to run full speed into a proceeding arrest, nor did you show adequate relation to the arrested man, therefore, he was banned for 2 days for this incident.

Following this incident and ban, I had a discussion with fellow staff member, ChrisGM. Through our discussion, we came to a joint conclusion to extend the ban length due to a couple factors. 1) ChrisGM had personally seen you prop flying on numerous occasions 2) You had a bad track record in regard to your previous warns 3) The car situation was very blatant and intentional and could not have been misconstrued otherwise.

I have no hard feelings in regard to what happen and I stand by my decision as I collaborated with ChrisGM and Rem during the process. I will admit that I am new and still am working on finding appropriate ban times, but I feel as if I did what I could to ascertain what happened and issue the appropriate punishment.

Clip in question: https://medal.tv/clips/58224850/d1337pVVJ3bp

Kind regards,


RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - Rem - 07-14-2021

I was not apart of the ban process nor situation. I simply gave my thoughts on a ban length based on the offenses told to me by the staff member.

RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - Sp3ctre - 07-14-2021

(07-14-2021, 06:14 PM)Vox Wrote: Hello Sp3ctre,

My point of view in regard to what happened, was that there was a man who had almost stabbed a police officer, Weber more specifically, and then was shot and downed. They attempted to heal him as he wasn't dead and you proceeded to intervene and drive over your friend. After this, you proceeded to drive about 100 yards away, turn around, and pile drive into the group. The alleged reason for this VDM was that "Weber had pointed a gun at you", however, the police officer was almost stabbed about 15-20 seconds ago and just still has his firearm out. I did not see this as a valid claim to run full speed into a proceeding arrest, nor did you show adequate relation to the arrested man, therefore, he was banned for 2 days for this incident.

Following this incident and ban, I had a discussion with fellow staff member, ChrisGM. Through our discussion, we came to a joint conclusion to extend the ban length due to a couple factors. 1) ChrisGM had personally seen you prop flying on numerous occasions 2) You had a bad track record in regard to your previous warns 3) The car situation was very blatant and intentional and could not have been misconstrued otherwise.

I have no hard feelings in regard to what happen and I stand by my decision as I collaborated with ChrisGM and Rem during the process. I will admit that I am new and still am working on finding appropriate ban times, but I feel as if I did what I could to ascertain what happened and issue the appropriate punishment.

Clip in question: https://medal.tv/clips/58224850/d1337pVVJ3bp

Kind regards,


I Understand your point of view of the situation fully, however, there are multiple flaws in this reasoning,
First of all, The fact that my friend attacked Weber, does not change anything in an OOC sense of server rules, As a Criminal in Rp, I Do not care what was happening or why it was happening, What I cared for was that someone I know is being Arrested, I also did not "Run over my friend" I tried to squeeze past him on the road and clipped the invisible part of his body in the first section of the video, Had I wanted to run him over there and then, I would have fully angled to the right and hit Weber too, Thus, I clearly had 0 intentions of committing any offenses on the server rules leading up to the point where I realized who was laying on the floor and had a loaded Firearm pointed at myself and 2 of my close friends, Presenting a Clear Threat to our own lives, and a Threat to my friend's freedom.
In Addition, I would like to address the fact that I did not intend for my friend to be killed as a result of the 2 police officers, and that was merely an instance of crossfire.

Secondly, The fact that I had priors for "Prop Surfing" and some un-named "Previous Warns" Adds nothing to this situation and does not add any additional reason as to why I should have been banned, as they are both completely unrelated to this particular situation.

I Understand that you are relatively new to the Diverge Staff Team, and Understand why you may have thought that this was a breach of server rules, In the Future, Please bring the suspect of a Rule-Breaking to a rooftop and investigate the situation to hear both sides of the story.
I Stand by everything I have said and still believe that I should not have been banned as a result of this situation.

RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - ChrisGM - 07-14-2021

Hello, I am the Administrator that told Vox to extend your ban. Now I am gonna be honest, I dont know how you were not banned yet. I think it was yesterday when I was in a sit with you when you were going to a construction site and hitting their wood just to cause trouble and bait them into attack you, or I think it is at least 3 times I have seen you prop fly out of the blue while looking careless about it aswell. One time I have warned you about prop flying, the other times I did not, because you are the type of guy to be brought to a sit and start making up excuses about everything. It was indeed my mistake that I did not ban you earlier, it seemed a bit strange to me that a guy like you (That kinda seems dedicated into the server) was such a minge. Another time I have seen you do stuff like that was about 2-3 days ago, when you were on the taxi faction and you were ramming into random cars also causing some of them to hit people behind them and kill them. And one more quick addition I would like to make is, not only me had problems with you before.. if you check your warn history you can see the reason your ban got extended, its actually crazy how many warns you have gotten.

When you say that all of this does not have to do anything with your ban, you are wrong. Based on your other actions before, which in fact have not received a ban punishment, your ban should be extended accordingly. You clearly know what you are doing on the server and you clearly know the rules, so all you have to do is stop breaking them.

RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - Sp3ctre - 07-14-2021

(07-14-2021, 06:46 PM)ChrisGM Wrote: Hello, I am the Administrator that told Vox to extend your ban. Now I am gonna be honest, I dont know how you were not banned yet. I think it was yesterday when I was in a sit with you when you were going to a construction site and hitting their wood just to cause trouble and bait them into attack you, or I think it is at least 3 times I have seen you prop fly out of the blue while looking careless about it aswell. One time I have warned you about prop flying, the other times I did not, because you are the type of guy to be brought to a sit and start making up excuses about everything. It was indeed my mistake that I did not ban you earlier, it seemed a bit strange to me that a guy like you (That kinda seems dedicated into the server) was such a minge. Another time I have seen you do stuff like that was about 2-3 days ago, when you were on the taxi faction and you were ramming into random cars also causing some of them to hit people behind them and kill them. 

When you say that all of this does not have to do anything with your ban, you are wrong. Based on your other actions before, which in fact have not received a ban punishment, your ban should be extended accordingly. You clearly know what you are doing on the server and you clearly know the rules, so all you have to do is stop breaking them.

Several things have been massively over-exaggerated here,
You referenced a sit-in which I was not warned and it was ruled that I did not in fact bait the person into anything, yet you still accuse me of doing it here.
You also claim you "seen me prop flying multiple times and couldn't be bothered warning me for it", I believe that is completely false and you are using it to attempt to add some weight against my appeal here.
Yet again, you over-exaggerate a situation in which i rammed someone's car in a taxi and killed them, What you missed out conveniently was that the person was behind the vehicle Lock-Picking and had 5 minutes earlier attempted to Lockpick my associate's vehicle at the gun store,
You consistently miss out on small, minute details which completely change the outcome and perception of the story in the eyes of your superiors and anyone else reading your messages, but in a way that you can't really be punished for, No hard feelings.

RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - ChrisGM - 07-14-2021

(07-14-2021, 06:52 PM)Sp3ctre Wrote: Several things have been massively over-exaggerated here,
You referenced a sit-in which I was not warned and it was ruled that I did not in fact bait the person into anything, yet you still accuse me of doing it here.
You also claim you "seen me prop flying multiple times and couldn't be bothered warning me for it", I believe that is completely false and you are using it to attempt to add some weight against my appeal here.
Yet again, you over-exaggerate a situation in which i rammed someone's car in a taxi and killed them, What you missed out conveniently was that there was a person behind the vehicle Lock-Picking it who had 5 minutes earlier attempted to Lockpick my associate's vehicle at the gun store,
You consistently miss out on small, minute details which completely change the outcome and perception of the story in the eyes of your superiors and anyone else reading your messages, but in a way that you can't really be punished for, No hard feelings.

Lets go over what you said. The sit that we were together about the baiting, yeah in fact what I said was that I gave you a verbal warning because going arround and breaking wooden props for absolutely no reason should not be happening. 

You are also saying that I am lying about you prop flying? Ok lets go over this, I have warned you once for prop flying which you know is true, another staff has also warned you for pet flag abuse which I dont know the situation but I am guessing is the same (Guessing). Now believe me or not, even if you dont count this as a rule break, I have seen you one more time at least prop fly, because I remember you specifically prop flying and I did not bring you to a sit, which I should have. And important to note here, the first time I saw you prop fly was the time I warned you, and if you wanna believe me that I saw you again, it means that you have gotten warned about it and did it again.

And about the taxi situation, you are again wrong. I was doing an event with a faction, and one of the members of the faction was the person you made unconsious cause of your taxi. While doing an event I spectate every member of them, now when I got to the guy to see what he is doing, all I see is him close to the event point (it was the start, where they had to go there) and you coming very fast with your taxi laughing and hitting his car. I did not see him lockpicking the car, in fact I am 90% sure that the car was owned by him. Also what "Associates" of yours? you were a part of the taxi faction. Now you might had some friends, but I highly doubt I missed the part of him lockpicking your friends car, I was spectating them a lot at that time cause of the event.

RE: Mental Ban Appeal. - Sp3ctre - 07-14-2021

(07-14-2021, 07:03 PM)ChrisGM Wrote:
(07-14-2021, 06:52 PM)Sp3ctre Wrote: Several things have been massively over-exaggerated here,
You referenced a sit-in which I was not warned and it was ruled that I did not in fact bait the person into anything, yet you still accuse me of doing it here.
You also claim you "seen me prop flying multiple times and couldn't be bothered warning me for it", I believe that is completely false and you are using it to attempt to add some weight against my appeal here.
Yet again, you over-exaggerate a situation in which i rammed someone's car in a taxi and killed them, What you missed out conveniently was that there was a person behind the vehicle Lock-Picking it who had 5 minutes earlier attempted to Lockpick my associate's vehicle at the gun store,
You consistently miss out on small, minute details which completely change the outcome and perception of the story in the eyes of your superiors and anyone else reading your messages, but in a way that you can't really be punished for, No hard feelings.

Lets go over what you said. The sit that we were together about the baiting, yeah in fact what I said was that I gave you a verbal warning because going arround and breaking wooden props for absolutely no reason should not be happening. 

You are also saying that I am lying about you prop flying? Ok lets go over this, I have warned you once for prop flying which you know is true, another staff has also warned you for pet flag abuse which I dont know the situation but I am guessing is the same (Guessing). Now believe me or not, even if you dont count this as a rule break, I have seen you one more time at least prop fly, because I remember you specifically prop flying and I did not bring you to a sit, which I should have. And important to note here, the first time I saw you prop fly was the time I warned you, and if you wanna believe me that I saw you again, it means that you have gotten warned about it and did it again.

And about the taxi situation, you are again wrong. I was doing an event with a faction, and one of the members of the faction was the person you made unconsious cause of your taxi. While doing an event I spectate every member of them, now when I got to the guy to see what he is doing, all I see is him close to the event point (it was the start, where they had to go there) and you coming very fast with your taxi laughing and hitting his car. I did not see him lockpicking the car, in fact I am 90% sure that the car was owned by him. Also what "Associates" of yours? you were a part of the taxi faction. Now you might had some friends, but I highly doubt I missed the part of him lockpicking your friends car, I was spectating them a lot at that time cause of the event.

I Know what happened in these situations as I was the one with the thoughts running through my head, and controlling what I was and was not doing, and the reasonings for those actions.
I find that it is a big waste of both of our times attempting to argue over something like this as we clearly both refuse to budge our opinions however I urge you to reconsider your choice of words in your responses and stop missing or denying minor details that change the story significantly.

Mental Ban Appeal. - Rem - 07-14-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules