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Metrail Unban - Printable Version

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Metrail Unban - Metrail - 07-31-2021

Your Name: Metrail
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:224926982
Reason for ban: RDM
Length of ban: 12 Hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I did not RDM, I took pictures of 2 people then they started chasing me after I try and escape them after them getting mad. They chase me so I aim a gun at them and tell the man repeatedly to get on the fence and he refuses so I shoot him. You can literally hear the guy under FearRP arguing back to me and saying "The fuck you gonna do" and generally breaking FearRP.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Their POV: https://medal.tv/clips/59995184/d1337G8IRYLz
My POV: https://medal.tv/clips/59996164/d1337zdzuJJn

RE: Metrail Unban - Hue - 07-31-2021

-1 I was there for part of it, you had been going about shooting up every other person. There have been at least 6 tickets about you. Considering your extensive ban history and warns its a more than fair punishment

RE: Metrail Unban - Metrail - 07-31-2021

(07-31-2021, 10:36 PM)Kiggah Wrote: -1 I was there for part of it, you had been going about shooting up every other person. There have been at least 6 tickets about you. Considering your extensive ban history and warns its a more than fair punishment

OK? So? I was not banned previously in any of these tickets making them false? That would not change the fact that they FearRPed and I got falsely banned? Just because of my ban history does not make this interaction RDM on my part.

RE: Metrail Unban - Vox - 07-31-2021

Hi Metrail,

So from my point of view and as you can see from the clips, you did not give much leeway to either individual and promptly used FearRP as a means to kill them. It also seemed evident that you were trying to bait them by taking videos/pictures of them to create a problem. When the situation began to escalate and they followed you, you promptly pulled out a weapon for almost no reason other than them walking towards your direction. In my opinion, you blatantly baited them and killed them under the guise of "Breaking FearRP". With your reputation and prior offenses, I felt it warranted a 12h ban and I still stand by my decision. There was really no reason to kill either individual (obviously until one of them was shooting at you in self defense); neither of them were blatantly disobeying to the point of requiring the use of lethal force. It honestly just seemed like you had a personal agenda to escalate the situation for whatever reason, but I will refrain from speculating on your motives.

Kind regards,

RE: Metrail Unban - Metrail - 07-31-2021

(07-31-2021, 10:50 PM)Vox Wrote: Hi Metrail,

So from my point of view and as you can see from the clips, you did not give much leeway to either individual and promptly used FearRP as a means to kill them. It also seemed evident that you were trying to bait them by taking videos/pictures of them to create a problem. When the situation began to escalate and they followed you, you promptly pulled out a weapon for almost no reason other than them walking towards your direction. In my opinion, you blatantly baited them and killed them under the guise of "Breaking FearRP". With your reputation and prior offenses, I felt it warranted a 12h ban and I still stand by my decision. There was really no reason to kill either individual (obviously until one of them was shooting at you in self defense); neither of them were blatantly disobeying to the point of requiring the use of lethal force. It honestly just seemed like you had a personal agenda to escalate the situation for whatever reason, but I will refrain from speculating on your motives.

Kind regards,

I took pictures of the boxer guy once off the videos then he came walking at me asking questions of why so I just made up a random story and saw his description about him being a boxer so I just said it's for "The effects of boxing careers" because in his description his nose was bent then he called for backup so I just continued taking pictures because they walked up then I ran because I saw they were getting pissy and they ran after me and I thought they were going to attack me so I told them to go on the fence so I can just run away but he refused so I shot him out of him refusing to go on the fence and you can hear him blatantly refusing and provoking me. Why would I give leeway? If I am aiming a gun at you in fear of my own life you do as your told and not argue back as you must value your own life also. You don't start acting big, you do as your told and follow my orders.

Metrail Unban - Rem - 08-01-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The first guy did break FearRP.

The ban will be reduced to 6 hours