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John's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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John's Ban Appeal - TermedGenie - 08-09-2021

Your Name:
John Walker
Reason for ban:
Length of ban:
5 days.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
I was banned for Corruption, as one cannot be corrupt on a FBI character, the reason for said corruption or so it seems is: "You moved the weed pot to an entirely different bush after taking that image, then when the raid was called off you destroyed it" quoting swigs, the man who banned me.
Let me explain the situation:
I was doing surveillance at the 7-12 gas station on orders from the Agent in Charge of the raid on said gas station. I ran into the bush facing the doors of the gas station where I was crouching in 3rd person. I did not notice the weed plant next to me until I went into 1st person and saw it, I then proceeded to take photo a photo of the weed plant (https://imgur.com/a/CFMhxou), and radioed in to my fellow agents (Agents: Manila, Pebble, & Bear can attest) that I had found a weed plant. To get a better view of the inside of the station, I positioned myself to the right of the entrance to the building, moving the weed plant with me so that the person who planted it or any person could not return and steal the weed plant. I then waited in the bushes observing the building until the raid was eventually called off because there was no one inside the gas station. After the raid was called off I destroyed the weed plant and proceeded to leave the area and return to the FBI office at the World Corp building. 
Explanation of the dispute:
Myself and fellow agents agree that this was not an act of corruption. I was confiscating the weed plant in order to prevent further use of said plant. I am unclear on what the exact reason stated above is classified as corruption. However, to counter what swigs messaged me ("You moved the weed pot to an entirely different bush after taking that image, then when the raid was called off you destroyed it"), I was moving the weed pot to make sure that the pot was not stolen. When the raid was called off I then destroyed the plant, which I among other law enforcement agents are meant to do. To confirm if this was the right action, I asked the director of the FBI who agreed: (https://imgur.com/a/fD1gwjO).
Why should you be unbanned?
I should be unbanned because I followed proper procedure and was not corrupt or participated in any actions of corruption. If I was not corrupt in any way, how could I be banned for corruption? 
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
I would like to clarify that the reasons I have posted for why I was banned are an assumption because Swigs refused to elaborate on why I was banned, so if there are some things I did not address during my appeal, I apologize for such. 
Swigs' perspective on what I did (at least what I believe): 
Photo of Weed:
Proper Procedure Confirmation

RE: John's Ban Appeal - Swigs - 08-09-2021

So, I'll start from the top. I recieved a DM from Wickers stating that you guys were going to raid 7/12 before I gave him his event. At that point I decided to watch the raid on my staff character wait for Wickers. When I arrived at 7/12 I saw only you there so I continued to watch. You walked into the very front bush of 7/12


^ As seen here. You sat with that pot for a few minutes then proceeded to take a photo of the pot as once again shown above. Not very long after that you proceeded to move the weed pot to another bush with your hands


^ In this image you sat with this weed pot for roughly 3-5 minutes, as well, you tried moving the pot into several different spots in that bush before deciding to take the spot closest to the ATM. All this went down while the rest of the FBI was waiting in the tunnel to commence the raid.


^ This image is also reference of where the pot of weed was moved too from it's original spot, the red circle being the original spot and John Walker on the ESP being the new position.

Now for my last image


^ This image/moment here is what prompted me to make this ban. After about 5 minutes of just sitting with a weed pot you destroyed it and SECONDS later I had Wickers shoot me a discord DM


Based on the way you handled the weed pot and just immediately destroyed it once the raid was called off gave me a pretty bad idea of what you had planned, especially moving it around the bushes several times.

RE: John's Ban Appeal - TermedGenie - 08-09-2021

Thank you for the reply Swigs,

I will reiterate that I moved the weed pot for the soul reason of it not being stolen. It seems that your main argument is that I was maliciously moving and "tampering" with it. However, your reasons for the ban seem to be subjective. I will say that I had no malicious intent nor was I planning any "bad idea[s]" as you put it. Nothing that you've stated (in my opinion) seem to indicate that I was doing anything corrupt. Let me ask you, what bad ideas did you think I had, how was destroying the weed plant when the raid was called off a breach of procedure qualifying as corruption, & how was I acting with ill intent by moving the weed pot with me?


RE: John's Ban Appeal - Swigs - 08-09-2021

(08-09-2021, 12:50 AM)TermedGenie Wrote: Thank you for the reply Swigs,

I will reiterate that I moved the weed pot for the soul reason of it not being stolen. It seems that your main argument is that I was maliciously moving and "tampering" with it. However, your reasons for the ban seem to be subjective. I will say that I had no malicious intent nor was I planning any "bad idea[s]" as you put it. Nothing that you've stated (in my opinion) seem to indicate that I was doing anything corrupt. Let me ask you, what bad ideas did you think I had, how was destroying the weed plant when the raid was called off a breach of procedure qualifying as corruption, & how was I acting with ill intent by moving the weed pot with me?


My main issue behind you moving it is that you tried to position it in a spot several times then eventually left it in a corner. What else makes me suspicious is that when the raid was called off you immediately destroyed it as is part of your protocol, but why not destroy it once you took the image. Why take it with you to a different bush entirely and defend it. That is what made me question your motive with the weed pot as it may have been used in other malicious ways.

RE: John's Ban Appeal - TermedGenie - 08-09-2021

(08-09-2021, 01:15 AM)Swigs Wrote:
(08-09-2021, 12:50 AM)TermedGenie Wrote: Thank you for the reply Swigs,

I will reiterate that I moved the weed pot for the soul reason of it not being stolen. It seems that your main argument is that I was maliciously moving and "tampering" with it. However, your reasons for the ban seem to be subjective. I will say that I had no malicious intent nor was I planning any "bad idea[s]" as you put it. Nothing that you've stated (in my opinion) seem to indicate that I was doing anything corrupt. Let me ask you, what bad ideas did you think I had, how was destroying the weed plant when the raid was called off a breach of procedure qualifying as corruption, & how was I acting with ill intent by moving the weed pot with me?


My main issue behind you moving it is that you tried to position it in a spot several times then eventually left it in a corner. What else makes me suspicious is that when the raid was called off you immediately destroyed it as is part of your protocol, but why not destroy it once you took the image. Why take it with you to a different bush entirely and defend it. That is what made me question your motive with the weed pot as it may have been used in other malicious ways.
Firstly I would like to state that I did not leave it in a corner, it was next to me in the bush somewhat near the atm. Secondly, I did destroy it when the raid was called off, the reason behind this was I determined that this weed pot was not owned or used by anyone that worked in the building. Originally I was planning to bring it to the evidence lockers but there was not point to it and I had already taken a photo, so I just destroyed it. Thirdly, I will reiterate that I brought it to the other bush so that no one would take it seeing as I was the only agent on the seen and was focusing on surveilling the building, do I really need a reason to not want an illegal narcotic being taken by a citizen/suspect. Thank you for the response. In conclusion I do have one question for you, that being; What is your definition of corruption that staff use to determine bans? Thanks again.

RE: John's Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 08-09-2021

While the Admin may have had suspicions as to the reasons for moving the pot and the way the photographs were taken, I don't see anything definitive to say that TermedGenie was being corrupt in the way he handled things. How the evidence would be presented or used would be more definitive but as it stands this is pre-emptive at best. The ban will be lifted and removed from your record.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.