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Maz501 BAN appeal - Printable Version

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Maz501 BAN appeal - maz501 - 08-10-2021

Your Name:Vin Netoli

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:88785775

Reason for ban:being corrupt as fbi ltarp 

Length of ban:4 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I crashed there was a big lag spike before I crashed and for some reason it says disconnected by user I don't know why honestly I was messing around with the nypd at the club having a taser fight and eventually I won and decided to take chu ming into the VIP room as a joke I ended up stuck in the door way with chu and the cops broke into the room and tied me there was then a lag spike and I crashed i know it seems suspicious that i left during the situation but i don't belive any of the guys who were in that room would've actually thaught i was serious as it was just us messing around it was not serious rp at all so i don't belive i should be banned 

Why should you be unbanned? i did genuanly crash i was messing around with the nypd and having taser fights with them among the other things the nypd was doing like drifting around in cars  and racing so it was just a bit of fun i wouldn't have left anyway because i know they would  just fuck with me and not actually done anything 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc) this is us in a vc when we were in the club i was in the vc when i got banned even somespy was there the one who banned me the joke was that someone said that fbi were not allowed in but i was an exception in which case chu thaught it would be funny to try to tase me so we ended up having a taser war after I crashed i loaded gmod back up in which case chu said he think si got banned he was surprised to hear that i was going to come back on and just resume messing around in the club

RE: Maz501 BAN appeal - Rem - 08-10-2021

Fix your post. You tried to put an image or something. Use a 3rd party to upload clips or images

RE: Maz501 BAN appeal - Somespy - 08-10-2021

I had banned you for NITRP | LTARP| and being corrupt as FBI, the reason I did so was because I had been told in-game that there was someone who took an officer hostage, we got to the room and it was being body blocked. After waiting a small amount of time the door opened, you were in the room and we all told you to put your hands up, you kept running around the room, and right when being tased you pulled out a gun. After being stunned when tased you then left the server, I had verified this by checking logs and it saying "Player disconnected from the server, reason: Disconnect by user." This means that you left on your own accord. Image You then messaged me saying you were just minging around with a friend and then crashed, which is still against the rules. Actions have consequences. Image.

RE: Maz501 BAN appeal - ZOOMER - 08-11-2021

Minging or corruption as FBI can result in forceful removal of the faction/position by staff. We recommend checking the rules for full context.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules