Diverge Networks
Pistols ban appeal, - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Pistols ban appeal, (/showthread.php?tid=2207)

Pistols ban appeal, - Vex - 10-04-2021

Your Name: Stretch

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:587894200

Reason for ban: Prob abuse/pac abuse/ pos

Length of ban: Perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):apology

Why should you be unbanned?I have been banned for a decent amount of time, and I would love to come back to the server and check out the new items from the showcase, and roleplay with my friends. When I was banned it was my first time on the server in a month or so, and I was acting like an idiot. The reason for the sit was me spawning a locker in front of a cop when he was walking on the side walk. I should not have done that, i do admit. The second reason was me wearing an oberstgruppenfuhrer pac, to be fair I really did not know I had clicked wear. (My fault still). And the third reason for the ban was me having warns/bans on my account. I have been playing MafiaRP for a while, and most of the warns /bans was from mistakes made by me, rather it was being ignorant to a rule, or me being wrong on a justified kill, No one to blame but my self. I would like to say sorry to rem, pendred, recoil, and any other staff member that had to put up with my mingy ass. If this does get accepted, I will behave 100%. Pendred and rem both knows I can roleplay correctly and not be an idiot all of the time. I would like to come back and rebuild my reputation that I have only tarnishes since I started playing MafiaRP.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Also thank you pendred for unbanning me from the diverge discord and my forums account to appeal this. Have a great day!

RE: Pistols ban appeal, - AerodynamicsCop - 10-05-2021


Pistols ban appeal, - Pendred - 10-05-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.