Diverge Networks
hello diverge team - Printable Version

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hello diverge team - tony debonis - 10-12-2021

hey diverge team 

it has been a while since i was banned i was wondering if you guys would allow me back onto diverge networks. i know i lied last time to get back onto server but this time a have legit been playing gmod understanding and respecting the server rules of a few dark rp servers .140 hours 
it would be a blast if permission was granted for me to come back 

thanks diverge team
Your Name:tony debonis 

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:566613457

Reason for ban: cant remember been a while 

Length of ban: perma unless told other wise

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): been a while i have 140 recent hours in gmod respecting and learning to use the rules in place 

Why should you be unbanned? i have had a big break and have practiced rping on gmod 

RE: hello diverge team - Rem - 10-14-2021

This is your LAST, and FINAL chance.

2 week probation, break that, and no coming back most likely. Does not mean after that, you will not be permanently banned again.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.