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Clanky ban appeal - Printable Version

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Clanky ban appeal - Clankinton - 10-24-2021

Your Name: Clanky (Ingame: Constantin Hopfner)

Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:16838127

Reason for ban: Ltap|RDM|NITRP

Length of ban: 2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute 

Why should you be unbanned? An hour or so ago I was playing in the MafiaRP server with 2 mates. We had some in-character drama with 2 different people. I was PK'd a few hours before, so we decided since I didn't have anything on my new character anyway, I should be the one to ice the two fools. Now whether the 2 murders were justified is open for debate. The two in question were both provoking us, so if the 2 hits weren't justified according to staff I'm willing to apologize for that. 

Between the 2 hits, after the first hit I was teleported to a rooftop by Whiplash. He mentioned I shot him a few minutes before. I denied this, since I knew the person I shot wasn't in-fact him. I asked to be sure "Were you the person in black clothes + sunglasses" on which he said no. I told him I couldn't be the one that killed him, since I shot somebody else that wasn't him for sure. He showed me a log in chat that said something like "Whiplash was killed by Constantin Hopfner using player". I found this strange as well, since I only had a Deagle on me the whole time. Surely even if I accidently shot the admin in question, it would come up as "using weapon_deagle" or something. I, again denied killing him since his info simply didn't match up. The last person I possibly killed before was hours ago, and that was also using a firearm. He then said something like "Alright I'm gonna teleport you back, but there's gonna be another sit later". Before I could even reply I was brought back on the street. 

About 10 minutes later was the other hit I mentioned before. Since I'm from the Netherlands, it was already around 02:30 in the morning, but since I was expecting another sit, I stayed in the server for another 10 minutes or so. Now, in my opinion I shouldn't have to wait more than 20 minutes on a possible second sit if I don't hear anything. I didn't quickly disconnect 5 minutes after the first sit, I waited around 20 minutes or so, which I think is reasonable, especially considering the time. I have no prior warnings, so I think a warning would be more fitting. The RDM is up for debate, I think it wasn't RDM, but that's personal opinion. I didn't just shoot those two guys because they looked at me the wrong way. The LTAP & NITRP I am however straight up disputing. I waited for a period of time, logs will have to tell exactly how long since I wasn't keeping track exactly, and I absolutely do intent to RP.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have no recordings/screenshots of this matter

RE: Clanky ban appeal - Wickers - 10-24-2021

Ok I was a very big figure about this ban let me explain: You Came into Our Store ''La Ruana'' You started beating people and screaming into ur mic and you were fully Minging. You Died about 4-5 times and you kept repeating. Then You got yourself a Deagle You came into the shop killed me and someone else and you LTAPED as soon as you killed me. Over all Big Minge and you do not deserve to be Unbanned Get this BIG -1

RE: Clanky ban appeal - Clankinton - 10-24-2021

(10-24-2021, 01:55 AM)Enzio Milano Wrote: Ok I  was a very big figure about this ban let me explain: You Came into  Our Store ''La Ruana''  You started beating people and screaming into ur mic and you were fully Minging. You  Died about  4-5 times and  you kept repeating. Then You  got yourself a Deagle You  came into the  shop  killed me and someone else and you LTAPED  as  soon  as you killed me. Over all Big Minge and you  do not deserve to be Unbanned  Get  this BIG  -1

You were person #2 who I shot, indeed. The parts that are true about your reply is the fact I died a few times to you and your crew. But multiple of these cases was self-defense. Several times you tried to rob and/or stalk+kill the two mates I was playing with. When things escalated, I started beating on you in an attempt to distract you so that my mates could run away. I died several times due to this, and I was beating you and your crew, but I wasn't "screaming" in an mingey way. I did probably use my mic & yelled. The hit took place a considerable time after, and only because my mates survived which counteracts the NLR side of the story. Like I said, the hits are up for debate but this post is mostly about the LTAP & NITRP. I didn't kill you "and somebody else", I killed that other person way before I did the hit on you, and I made sure there was considerable time between my sit & me leaving

RE: Clanky ban appeal - MAC - 10-24-2021

Hi, I am the person who banned you, it shows in logs that equipped a weapon then proceed to kill some with said weapon then unequipped the weapon then disconnect via logs https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/881998806693076996/901650968284921906/brave_evYZ4Hh5cw.png also there is a timer on NLR it is 15 minutes. Your mates might of survived but if you died, it would be breaking nlr which is against the rules https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/881998806693076996/901650952979877938/brave_wSmCKwWASN.png also "hits" it's have to be a pk hit if someone had mugged over the limit 7500 I believe. They can pay a third party person to take of care the pk hit however you and that person is set as pk active meaning if you were to died you would lose your character.

RE: Clanky ban appeal - Canadian-bacon - 10-24-2021

It seems a rule was broken, the NLR specifically which definitely would make the kill RDM in that circumstance, especial immediately disconnecting after a kill. I'd recommend waiting at least 10 minutes next time o be safe.

Regardless this is your first ban and you made the effort to appeal so I see fit to reduce this ban by 1 day, as well as remove the NITRP and replace it with NLR.

I highly recommend you read our rules: https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=340

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.