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ban appeal - Printable Version

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ban appeal - pofase - 11-01-2021

Your Name: Pofase lary

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198290611150/

Reason for ban:ltap

Length of ban:2 weeks

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Hey ive been playing on the server for quite a while and throughout my time of gotten several warnings because i was uninformed about the rules on the server and couldnt find a single prompt for the rules and even when admins banned me they give me no information at all on where to find the rules and just banned me. Ive gotten warns for killing people that shot at me and people that threatened me and ive also gotten warns for disconnecting at wrong times so on and so forth. Recently ive got a job and have worked hard and put many hours in making and have had a fun time doing so. I recently was driving down the road when i made a completely driver legal turn and didnt run any lights or stop signs when a cop turned there lights on me and tried to chase me for no reason at all i tried to run away. nearly half way done my escape they forced me out of my car. After that i got tased and turned off my pc because i was mad at the cops because they feel the need they can chase me for no reason and then get an admin to ban me after i was chased for no reason. It doesnt make any sence to me how the cops on this server are so desperate to arrest people. Isnt there other ways they can make money? like parking tickets or something that isnt so annoying. Because when im driving down the road minding my own business trying to follow the laws cops should leave me alone. It completely unrealistic how a cop can just chase me down and taze me make a bit of money and go harass someone else. I get cops can be corrupt (should be left for the mobsters tbh)  and this is one way of roleplay where a cop can arrest you whenever but that flexibility gives the cops an unsigned paper to be a dick. like its one thing to play darkrp have a cop arrest you for shooting or having a gun or some shit but when your just driving around in a damn car i shouldnt have to stress when i havent done anything wrong.

Why should you be unbanned? I understand i shouldnt have rage quit and i would have gone right back to jail if you put me in a sit, but instead you banned me for 2 weeks because of the warnings i have from before from not clearly understanding the rules ive never seen. Even after asking admins they dont even tell me the rules. Like what am i supposed to break enough rules until i learn all of them or is someone gonna show me like all the other servers? I enjoy playing on the server and have played for long enough to get a list of the rules but ive played on servers where they give 2 week bans for people who are hacking not for ones that get angry and turn off there pc. Ive played many hours on gmod and this is the first server ive actually started roleplaying on and having fun without messing around and actually roleplaying and i have to say, ive enjoyed roleplaying and playing fair on the server but im not someone whos out to disconnect to evade arrest on i server i enjoy playing, i was angry so i closed all my apps and turned off my pc. If thats enough for 2 weeks than ill just find another server that is empty and start from the ground up. But i dont want to do that. Ive spent countless hours on the server and ive made some good money and i want to have fun making more and spending time on it. Ive heard that people dont like the new admins and there unforgiving but they have done there job on stopping me everytime ive broken a rule even if they havent showed me them once. I hope you guys make the right decision because ive been respectful to everyone and have played on the server just as any other roleplayer has im just relatively new to the nutscript and more serious aspect of roleplay servers. I havent minged nor troll nor hack or any of the dumb shit i usually do I enjoy and have enjoyed roleplaying on the server and would love to continue playing but i cant when im banned. For my job i alsohave money that i need to give by the end of the week and next week or ill lose my job in the game i worked hard getting the position i had and i wouldnt like to lose it. Sorry to all the admins that want to punish me for not knowing the rules but if you could give me another chance that would be great.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
please help me out by atleast making sure i keep my job because i still have money i owe by the end of the week and by next week. I cant keep my coworkers waiting.

RE: ban appeal - Soler - 11-01-2021

Hello, i am one of the Officers that were arresting you as you left

You were actively breaking fear rp the entire time. We really wanna do good Cop rp for one but with that kinda shit happening its just impossible

And now you are lying about what happened.

You were literally Speeding, doing burnouts etc. the entire time of the chase

Then when we finally stopped you after commiting like 3 crimes you decide to run. Which gives us the right to detain and search you.

Ima just leave this here: https://medal.tv/clips/70010339/d1337T6kPRwM?invite=cr-MSx6TTksOTYzMzEwMiw

p.s. Your Character is also Pkd. I dont really support that so if you make an appeal now ima +1 it

RE: ban appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-01-2021

Being angry at the situation doesn't give you the right to simply disconnect without consequence. Especially since you claim it was a 'legal turn' it doesnt make sense to run from the police.

Regardless the rules are on the very forums in which you made this appeal, and not having read them or tried asking/finding them, especially after several warns/bans, is not an excuse to continue breaking them. Put at least some effort into playing properly.

Anyway, the rules are here: https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=340

So the next time you get banned there aren't any excuses. I'll be reducing your ban to One Week instead of two. Gives you adequate time to read the linked thread and know all rules inside out.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to One week.