Diverge Networks
Ban appeal - Printable Version

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Ban appeal - Skippy - 11-02-2021

Your Name: Carnage 

Your SteamID:  76561198880268178

Reason for ban: Transferring 

Length of ban: 12 hrs

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology 

Why should you be unbanned? i want to start with sorry saying that i transferred. i gave my mate a gun when he was on his russian character i then went on my russian character and he no longer wanted that weapon as he had a colt so he then gave me it and then i was like "fuck" as now i have just transferred a weapon. I do apologise 

RE: Ban appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-02-2021

Be careful in the future.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.