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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Walker - 11-02-2021

Your Name: Walker

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199013473504 | STEAM_0:0:526603888

Reason for ban:  Transferring Items between Characters | Related PO x 1

Length of ban: 1 Day

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? 
To be completely honest, I'm unsure on when this occurred, but if I did violate any sort of rules I'm okay with the punishment. I don't believe I have violated any rules since my previous PO. I do understand my PO for "Item transferring as a middle man" has come into conflict with this, but I would like to see probable evidence of my item transfer ban.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-02-2021

Hi Walker,

So the transfers had some time gap between them. Which is why initially when I saw the first log I assumed it was a coincidence and elected to ignore it.

However, I then saw multiple logs of weapons (Specifically in this case 2 or more HK MP5s) were transferred from Character John Smith to Character Lombardi Cirrillo. These transfers occured in early/mid October.

RE: Ban Appeal - Walker - 11-02-2021

(11-02-2021, 09:42 PM)Canadian-bacon Wrote: Hi Walker,

So the transfers had some time gap between them. Which is why initially when I saw the first log I assumed it was a coincidence and elected to ignore it.

However, I then saw multiple logs of weapons (Specifically in this case 2 or more HK MP5s) were transferred from Character John Smith to Character Lombardi Cirrillo. These transfers occured in early/mid October.
Alright, thanks for letting me know. Have a nice day.

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-02-2021

No problem.

I have no issue giving you the benefit of the doubt here, you've served enough time on this ban, but I need you to be more careful in the future.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.