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Ban Appeal For RDM - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal For RDM - Chubbs - 11-05-2021

Your Name
Vladimir Solonski

Your SteamID
Steam Account - https://steamcommunity.com/id/RealChubbs/
Steam 64id -  76561198220699
Steam UID - STEAM_0:1:130216790

Reason for ban

Length of ban
2 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology)

Why should you be unbanned?
This one guy called "Tommy" Has been trespassing multiple of our properties, We were trying to hunt him down but to no availe until he showed up at Town House 1. Once he arrived there the guy buying the oil took the oil off Tommy and then ran away, from there Tommy started to cry to me for a solid 10-15 minutes about how he got scammed and how i should pay him the money. When i was told to tell him leave i came up to Tommy told him to leave, i was rewarded with "No i am not leaving the property until i get my money back" From there i went into the back and shot him. He kept trespassing, got told to leave. Never did.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc)
I have the Clip of me busting him in the face after being told he is not leaving. Ask for the clip.

Im also tired as fuck as i had work and all of that, so if anything is miss-spelt or the grammer is wack, dont grass on me.

RE: Ban Appeal For RDM - hhhh - 11-05-2021

I was the one who issued the ban, I was shown a 15 second clip where you ask a guy to leave then he says
hes waiting for his payment since he was selling oil. You say that you're going to talk with the owner and head
inside of the house, equip your shotgun and just kill him.

Here is what I understand from this situation :

-You aren't whitelisted in the faction that owns the property

-There's no one on the property except for you and two other civilians, including the one you killed

-You say that you were given an order to kill him by Saul Drexler III who was in a sit with me while that situation happened and
he timed out so I was waiting for him to rejoin. I asked you how you got the order and you said you got it through a pager.
So you got a discord DM from someone who wasn't on the server that asked you to kill him.

-You didn't tell me anything about the rest of your story, all you said was that you warned him and he refused to leave.
I also explained the situation to other staff members and they agreed that it was enough for a ban since you have PO's.

RE: Ban Appeal For RDM - Chubbs - 11-06-2021

(11-05-2021, 08:56 PM)H445 Wrote: I was the one who issued the ban, I was shown a 15 second clip where you ask a guy to leave then he says
hes waiting for his payment since he was selling oil. You say that you're going to talk with the owner and head
inside of the house, equip your shotgun and just kill him.

Here is what I understand from this situation :

-You aren't whitelisted in the faction that owns the property

-There's no one on the property except for you and two other civilians, including the one you killed

-You say that you were given an order to kill him by Saul Drexler III who was in a sit with me while that situation happened and
he timed out so I was waiting for him to rejoin. I asked you how you got the order and you said you got it through a pager.
So you got a discord DM from someone who wasn't on the server that asked you to kill him.

-You didn't tell me anything about the rest of your story, all you said was that you warned him and he refused to leave.
I also explained the situation to other staff members and they agreed that it was enough for a ban since you have PO's.

First of all, the 15 second clip is the clip you asked me to show you. While i was looking for the clip in my 3 hours of footage you were growing impaticent telling me if it takes to long there is no need for it. Thats why i showed you the 15 second clip of me walking up to him and tell him to leave etc. I also mentioned to you mutliple times that a man by the name of Tommy that lookes exactly like him and has the exact same discription kept tresspassing on the salvage yard propertly and that we were already looking for him for around 30 minutes. From him tresspassing alone he was not ment to make any trades with us or even come close to us as he was "Blacklisted". When Tommy came over to Town House 1 the guy buying the oil just took the oil and dipped and after Tommy begged me for around 15 Minutes for the 5.4k i told him to leave, he didint and he got bopped. Once again, The 15 second clip is the clip YOU asked for.
Also on the PO part, im quite sure all my RDM Po's are from a decent while ago when i didint even know the rules of the server and how to play correct me if i am wrong.

"You say that you were given an order to kill him by Saul Drexler III who was in a sit with me while that situation happened and
he timed out so I was waiting for him to rejoin. I asked you how you got the order and you said you got it through a pager.
So you got a discord DM from someone who wasn't on the server that asked you to kill him."
Yeah he did time out, but once Tommy came back i "Pagerd" Saul Drexler III about what i should do, i told him that Tommy is on his property and wont leave, he responded tell him to leave and if he wont kill him. Simple orders, the guy who was buying barrels too said just eliminate him if he does not leave. I worked secruity its my job to kick people off the property if they dont want to leave, he didint want to leave. So he got kicked off it.
Apart from that i did my job correctly if i did anything wrong i should lose my job as Secruity. Not get banned for RDM. Once again correct me if i am wrong.

Oh yeah, quick mention. Tommy litreally shot me in the sit and kept saying its a "miss click" "I Miss clicked 4 and then miss clicked left click" after i told him i have it clipped where he was told to leave. What did you do as a staff member, Did you warn him? Did you acknowledge that shooting the other party in a sit is RDM? Did you do anything at all? No. You looked at me, Healed me and fucked off. I find that quite dissapointing ngl.

Ban Appeal For RDM - Hue - 11-06-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to a day due to you admitting to Metagaming through DMs.