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Ban - Printable Version

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Ban - Michael Flanagan - 11-11-2021

Your Name: Michael Flanagan

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:193789588

Reason for ban: NITRP Bunny Hoppying , FailRP

Length of ban: BIG 10 DAYS

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute,

Why should you be unbanned? idk what the fuck its about

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): i wish

RE: Ban - Somespy - 11-11-2021

Hello, you were banned because I was shown a video of you going into PD just to hop all over the vents and bunny hop away from cops to avoid being arrested. You made no attempt to roleplay in the situation. This isn't the first time you've done something like this, I've received reports of you doing similar acts in the past. Video

RE: Ban - Michael Flanagan - 11-11-2021

Tbf I thought I was speaking that entire time trying to say I'm here to clean the vents.

As for bunny hopping yeah I bunny hopped like one time there and your giving my a 10 day ban? Don't you think that's a bit excessive

So where does the warning system come in cus the last warn and only warn I had was literally maybe 4 months ago, the fact that you thought 10 days was reasonable is stupid.

To add to this the cop clearly was rdming there as well, shooting me then beating me to death, I see that you were ok with that one.

Yknow I didn't believe somespy was from what all my guys always said was "biased against flanagans" right now I'm really not thinking that's too far way from the truth. Like 10 days man, I could rdm a few times and it be less time.

As well as NITRP is over multiple offenses, I'm a faction leader I'm rping all the time, by the suit I'm wearing I know I just came from a huge funeral event that was a pretty big rp event I organised, listen I get bunnyhopping is fail rp and I'll take the warn but I don't see any adnins lifting anyone for bopping and I see it all the time, the officer recording that video was bopping up and down those stairs before I came in, weird how the video starts after I tried catching up to him bhopping to race him.

And no I wasn't scripting to hop as you can clearly see I wasn't very good at it in the video

This is typed on phone btw

Now these other reports I doubt have any weight because I have never heard of them.

I often do go to pd and have a bit of fun and trespass with some rp reason of why I'm doing it for just a small bit of fun when there's literally nothing going on, it usually involves me getting arrested and doing legal rp, if I had nitrp then I would be disconnecting before I got to the legal rp or I don't even come up with a reason to me trespassing.

RE: Ban - Michael Flanagan - 11-12-2021

Just one more thing you can see the other cop bunnyhopping in the video which was the whole reason why I was doing it, was to catch up with him and race him like I said before, but I guarantee that cops not even gonna recieve so much as a verbal warning for bunnyhopping and definately not a 10 day banx

Ban - Rem - 11-12-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 3 days.