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Character Appeal - Printable Version

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Character Appeal - furyturtle - 11-17-2021

Name of Character: Claymore Grills

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169747138

Date of PK: 11/17/2021

Reason for PK: Was pk'd because a bunch of us uncoordinatedly started shooting at the NOI building after one of them shot us and ran back inside. During this process i was shot in the back by a cop and was PK'd

Why should you be unPK'd?: I believe I should be pk'd because this was not an event it was a retaliation for them shooting us and running into their building. But I was not aware that it was a pk active situation as the only indication was rem saying yall are pk active cough(will attach). A cop was the one who killed about 2-3 people who also got pk'd, I do not think a cop should be able to pk us for a event like that as he was not shot even once. Also the reason that this started was because one of them killed a member of our faction and i acted purely in retaliation after they ran inside. I do not know why a lot of other random people joined in but because of the circumstance and how rem says in OOC that everyones pk active and a cop kills everyone.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Evidence below?




RE: Character Appeal - Bees - 11-17-2021




This shit is stupid

Y'all fr should let grills get char appealed or else this shit gonna escalate.

I should have been PK'd Too. Most of them were also breaking NLR. No UA Approved this Shit. It was a spectacle that no one should face any casualties. It should be more like NLR. No one did /mes with the PKs.

PKs must be pre-approved and be overseen by an admin. This was never approved, Rem even confessed no one approved this war.

RE: Character Appeal - dandead10 - 11-17-2021

+1. There shouldn't be double standards where one faction's people get pked for an escalated conflict and not another.

RE: Character Appeal - Ruffian - 11-17-2021

Can't say anything I haven't said before.

Imagine being you.

You have guns.
You take those guns.
You got the Mosque.
You shoot up the Mosque.
You get shot at.
You die.

This sequence of events is pretty clear cut. Your actions have consequences. I'm sorry that you lost your character, but if you expect to bully small factions and get away with it, you're wrong. I don't know where this fallacy is that you need to be under a "mission" to be PK'd. If you randomly start shooting up businesses in the middle of the street... you're going to die.

Have a good day.

(Just a repost of my other comment on your other buddy's thread.)

RE: Character Appeal - Cätbøy - 11-17-2021

This whole situation should be voided ngl

RE: Character Appeal - Adler - 11-17-2021

+1 situation should be voided

RE: Character Appeal - Grim - 11-17-2021

After reading over his words and watching the video. It is clear that the cop has no idea what he is fucking doing and just likes to shoot people and kill them. Police was not harmed AT ALL by Furyturtle. PK Guidelines state that the police may get someone PKed if they are harmed in the process / if the suspect shoots the police first. Also the situation in general is very stupid. This will for sure escalate if not resolved ASAP. Also the fact that Rem said that in OOC and not /event makes it even more funny as OOC has NOTHING to do with IC events.

- Chi

RE: Character Appeal - Kevinthebestxx - 11-17-2021

1+ He should get unban considering the fact a cop went in bhopping and started gunning people down without saying anything. No one touched the cop or anything.

Character Appeal - Pendred - 11-17-2021

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been instated and may be used again. Note that this appeal was only accepted after an agreement between both parties to void the events of last night due to a misunderstanding. Keep in mind that the reasoning for the PK was perfectly just, and if it were not for the voiding it would've remained.