Diverge Networks
Midas PET flag Appeal - Printable Version

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Midas PET flag Appeal - TheDevil372 - 11-19-2021

Your Name: Midas

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:580936210

Staff Member involved: Rem

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet Flags

Reason for blacklist (if given): Textscreen spam

Why should they be returned?: I know what I did was very mingey and I'm very sorry. It's been around two months since I lost my pet flags. And I haven't had any trouble with pet flags since I first got them months ago. Not having my flags has been a big inconvenience in my roleplay as I work at a store and club and I can't even place my own dupes and have to get someone else to do it for me.

RE: Midas PET flag Appeal - Moses - 11-20-2021

Following the review of your appeal, and the two paragraph apology provided
Your appeal has been accepted.

Contact a Senior Administrator, or above to have your pet flags unblacklisted.