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Eric James Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Eric James Ban Appeal - Cybertruk (large crab) - 11-20-2021

Name of Character: Eric James (steam name large crab)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:168876386 (steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/mrcrabman/)

Date of PK: 11/19/21, around noon

Reason for PK: Mass RDM of police (killed 2 cops inside police department without reason)

Why should you be unPK'd?:

well, oops.

the reason i did this boils down to these things:

1. ignorance
2. sleep deprevation

we'll start with number 1:

ignorance. when i did it, i was really mad at the police, and generally wasn't thinking ahead to the consequences. i thought it would be funny, and i would just get away with it, without thinking that i would get my character banned. yeah, this was REALLY stupid, and ignorant, and i should think ahead next time.

and next, number 2:

sleep deprevation. at the time, i had been awake since 4:00 PM PST US/Canada on 11/18/2021, and i went to sleep (which is around the time i got banned) at roughly 12:40 PM PST US/Canada on 11/19/2021. i was completely out of my mind, i was surprised i didn't end up getting in a fight with someone in real life. the only reason i wasn't asleep in my chair is because of caffeine and me shaking to keep myself awake. i was REALLY out of my mind that day, hence thats why i started breaking the rules, then going to sleep on such a big day. (for the record, i had lots of plans that day, in-game meetings and stuff.)

so after all of that, it boils down to these things:

i was being completely stupid and ignorant, and it was my fault for doing something like that.
i was out of my mind that day, and was no way myself.
i would like to apologize, and i will do everything i can to control myself next time. i shouldn't have done it.

if you need anything else, here is some extra details:

main email: [email protected]
secondary email: [email protected]

discord: cybertruk mcpenoos#5168

steamid3: [U:1:337752772]
steamid64: 76561198298018500
non custom profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198298018500
steam name: large crab

for time reference, my timezone is: Pacific Time, US/Canada, 11:56 PM at time of post

if you need anything else, feel free to message me on discord, though i might not notice your email, as i dont check it often.

Eric James Ban Appeal - Baldrick - 11-20-2021

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.