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Spook's appeal - Printable Version

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Spook's appeal - Its OG - 11-30-2021

Your Name: Omar Anderson

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:196993255

Reason for ban: RDM x 2

Length of ban: 2 days/

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute.

Why should you be unbanned? I will tell the story of my ban... Me and my guys were walking around and we decide to go back to our building and we encounter members of 15th something and they decided to start causing problems and starts threatening us saying oh im going to get my boys down here which they did not include in the video they gave the admin. We decided were going to handle the threat because they had basic dirt on us and could fight with us later so we go around the corner they continue to talk shit and follow us and we kill them because they kept following us and threated to come back with more men to kill us... in the video he had he had a gun and you can see them harassing us. Then like two hours later im tped to a roof and Kash the faction leader of the guys we killed bans me for two kills which I didnt kill both we all opened fire I killed one. He says because of my previous warns which I do understand I have no problem with that but he wouldn't even let us see if we can get our video evidence, he would not even let us explain our story from what I seen when I came back and I expect some bias as he leads the gang then HE proceeded to DM us about it and threatens us which is funny but its not going to be a argument in my appeal I would actually like to play the server and I think I have done my time one day is enough for one kill for being threatened with death. I am not going to call the staff member corrupt but everyone holds a bias and he believed his men more than mine, I would like a ban reduction so I can play either now or early early tomorrow. Because quite frankly I have been killed and PKED for less... Imagine walking up to a family and saying the same threat they would be PKED not just killed. I recently came back when my friend wanted to merge gangs and form a good rping gang rp... Thank you for reading this and hopefully you give me a ban reduction or just remove it because its useless thanks!

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None atm if I find any I will drop it back.

RE: Spook's appeal - kash - 11-30-2021

So, to start off.

The clip I received just showed you and your two friends blowing their faces off over some racism, which isn’t allowed under Kill Rule #2.

Reminder that verbal diss/threats/arguments may only be retaliated violently via fist fight.

Now, after speaking to you (over war shit) you’re a really chill guy and I wouldn’t mind having this ban removed. Thank you.

RE: Spook's appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-30-2021

This user does have an extensive ban history. I'd advise them to practice caution in the future.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.