Diverge Networks
tylenol staff application - Printable Version

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tylenol staff application - tylenol - 12-27-2020

In Game Name(s):
Antonio Morelli, Patrick Rothstein

Steam name:

Steam Profile Link:

Steam ID:

Discord Username:


Total Playtime on Server:
Around 40 hours

Time Zone:

How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?:
3+ hours on weekdays garunteed

Have you read the rules:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Do you acknowledge you must attend all staff meetings?:

Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?:
Somewhat, I know the basics

Do you acknowledge that lying in the staff application will result in immediate denial and blacklist from staff?:

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:
I personally love the MafiaRP community. Me being as active as I am, I feel I will be able to actually listen to and understand the average player. I have shown multiple times that I am un-biased and will punish a rule-breaker no matter my relationship with them. I am a fair and unjust person, but stern when I need to be. I have been a part of this gamemode for a while and I would love to be a part of a good, solid, long lasting server with great RP.

Do you have any previous staffing experience?:
Icefuse Networks DarkRP: 3 months
Wiseguy Networks: 1 month

Diverge Networks: 2 months

Have you ever been banned on any of our servers?:
I got banned for 3 hours for RDM once.

Would you say that you are well known in our community?: 
Somewhat, a little. I don’t know what my reputation is.

Have any staff members recommended you?:

Someone RDM's and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: 
If I am the person who is RDM'd, I would call another admin to overlook the situation as to not be biased. If I witness an RDM I would wait for the person to make a ticket, and if no one else is on or no one takes it, I would switch to my staff character and handle the situation.

A very good friend of yours (whom you personally invited) joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. You do your best to sweep them under the rug, as they are your close friend after all, but they don’t seem to be taking a hint and continue to break the rules. Finally, you are forced to take action. What would you do next, knowing that if you punish them your friendship with them is over?: 
I don't think any of my friendships would end over this, but I would do one of two things. I would either handle the situations myself and punish the person. Or I would politely ask another staff to handle it, because I feel I would have an unfair bias in the situation.

RE: tylenol staff application - Rem - 12-27-2020

I can't read anything
Left out a 5 sentence question.
"Why should you be considered over other candidates."
Didn't complete the 5 sentence minimum requirement for another question.
"Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?"
If you can't be bothered to review your app then don't bother applying.

RE: tylenol staff application - tylenol - 12-27-2020

(12-27-2020, 04:45 PM)Rem Wrote: -1
I can't read anything
Left out a 5 sentence question.
"Why should you be considered over other candidates."
Didn't complete the 5 sentence minimum requirement for another question.
"Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?"
If you can't be bothered to review your app then don't bother applying.
that’s my bad man, I wrote this whole thing on my phone, I’ll try and edit it when I get back on my pc

RE: tylenol staff application - Pendred - 12-31-2020

Not even going to consider this until you make it readable, you have 24 hours to do so.

RE: tylenol staff application - Pendred - 01-02-2021

Denied, failed to make the requested modifications within the specified time period.