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SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Printable Version

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SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Vice - 12-06-2021

Name of Faction: SouthSide Disciples (SSD).

Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 15.

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Street Gang.

Ethnic Background (Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mixed: African American, Asian and Latino.

Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): Vice#7686

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98169094

Your Faction Discord link (If you have one): We have a discord, but I don't feel good with it being public, if you need it, ask me.

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images):

Pictures will be on our discord, we are in the process of getting people on to be in them. (if you want to see them, DM me and I can invite you to our discord)

SouthSide Disciples:

SSD or SouthSide Disciples originated from Black Gangster Disciple Nation created by Larry Hoover, David "King David" Barksdale and Larae "Spice" Baker. The gang came under Larry's Girlfriend's leadership after Larry and David were killed in a shootout with the rival gang Latin Kings. Larry's Girlfriend, known as Larae "Spice" Baker, was born in Camden central London, she ran Camden Killas while in London and joined with Larry and David to form Black Gangster Disciple Nation. She was not one the main figure heads but she had her own territory that her sets occupied. She had a son called Trey Baker, he was born after Larry died, Larae managed to raise Trey until he was 16 years old, "Spice" then died while leaving her house, she was shot by 4 Latin Kings affiliates due to her links to Larry Hoover. He was left alone, in order to make money he worked as security in one of the colombian restuarants in Southside New York, he made it through the ranks until he started to make money illegally. He spent 2 years in the cartel before retiring his made position to make his own gang. He had the funds, connections and experience to do exceptionally. He just had to make his newly made gang "SouthSide Disciples" to become known.

The Murder of Duke Adams:

Duke Adams joined The Prophets when he was 34 years old, he was father of one of the leaders. He made money with them for a short amount of time. Prophets got a lot of hate from the people of New York CIty because of their stupid actions and poor judgement. Duke decided to not affiliate himself with them anymore but due to his absence within the group and his known affiliation with SSD, Duke was raped and killed by Prophets gang member "Senior OG". Duke's death was a warcry for the people of New York which led the gangs to fight side by side to eliminate the cowardly threat with overwhelming numbers and brute force. The death of Duke also made SSD make friends with other gangs so that if it was to happen again, then they would be able to call for assistance. The Prophets still linger in the Sewers, they do this because they fear what will happen to them above ground.

Trey Baker's record:

Trey Baker has 6 felonies involving one account of armed robbery, two accounts of GBH and three accounts of Possession of Class 3 Firearms without a permit. He has been known to be a cold blooded killer, with over 26 murders suspected to be related to him. He has unproven, strong links to the Organised crime within New York City. He also has known affiliations with the SouthSide Disciples and the Black Gangster Disciple Nation. He shows strong support for the Nation of Islam, and has been known to commit violent acts towards their opposition.

Gang Structure:

SSD or SouthSide Disciples is the parent name for the overall gang. The faction is spit into three sets (yet to be named) and each set is controlled by one boss. Each of the Bosses of the sets are equal rank to eachother which means decisions are split to prevent misjudgement and greed. This means the faction will have one owner (me) but we will all work side by side when making choices and planning events. Ranks are simple, you start as "Honorary SSD" this rank is for people that are not full time members but they will help when needed; the next rank in "Soldier", this rank is given to good shooter, money makers and people that fully affiliate themselves to SouthSide Disciples; the next rank is "Captain" these are the advisors and most trusted people in the gang, they lead when the Set Boss is not around and they also have a say in the way things operate, there are only 3 Captains per set. The last rank is OG SSD or [Set Name] Set Boss (Example: Kings Disciples Set Boss).

What we can bring to the server:

We plan to have a not mingy, fully serious gang. I myself have a lot of friends in the city and a lot of experience generally and I like to think I can make a stable and successful gang that lasts more than a week unlike some of the gangs around at the moment. I have a clear plan of what we are and can do to make the server more lively. We plan to host some illegal events like street races and boxing matches as well as some legal ones like car shows (we will do these once car bodygroups become an editable thing) and we can do parties. I have connections that can make these things happen as well as the fact that I have money from the begining to be able to fund these events.

Gangs are a rare breed, they are often failed or don't last very long because all they want is conflict. I plan to make more passive RP as well as make gangs more enjoyable for people in them. With the multiple leader system I have at the moment, it will be easy for people to get involved because their will be members on all throughout the day and their will be more constructive descision making. We plan to also make rivals and allies more apparent by planning gang wars (non-PK) for cops to get in on as well as allies to help out in; I hope to do this by being friends with our rivals OOC so we can organise wars without OOC hostility too.

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Romullus - 12-06-2021

+1 Respected member of the criminal part of diverge.

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - kash - 12-06-2021


Even though the new street gang we just had was a mingey mess, I trust Vice with this and think that he’ll be cautious and do good.

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - aidu_ - 12-06-2021

+1 need more passive rp on the server

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Bonito - 12-07-2021


Sounds interesting.

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Shimac - 12-07-2021

+1 Absolute Gangsta. Don't be a Busta!

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Chubbs - 12-07-2021

+1 Chad Chad Chad Chad

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - catgoku22 - 12-11-2021

+1 would be good to see a good gang running around the streets, need some new feuds going on and such

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - Baldrick - 12-11-2021

+1 Backstory makes since, even if it is a street gang and they are known to be mingey, I think vice can manage one, and make sure it does not turn into a mingey faction.

RE: SSD (SouthSide Disciples) - El Ruso - 12-13-2021

+1 Finally a serious street gang