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Boat Vendor @ Docks - Printable Version

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Boat Vendor @ Docks - DAWWG - 12-17-2021

Hello and good day, I have a few suggestions that I will be posting. 

- Adding an NPC vendor (or spawn plate of some sorts) to be able to purchase and spawn what ever boats you guys add in.

- Airboats (HL2 Airboat just like the default one in the Q menu, ain't nothing more original.) 

Pros: + Does the trick when it comes to traveling on the water.
Cons: - I can see some players bringing them to land (maybe laws could state that driving watercrafts on the streets is a by-law or something)
Price: $26,000? something around there.

- Jetskis (here is a link to the Workshop addon) [Steam Workshop:Big Grinrivable Jetski Kawasaki (steamcommunity.com)]
Pros: + Can't be driven on land (hella fun too!)
        + Perfect for the setting and RP, encouraging players to explore, also helps for traveling to your prop boats that we have all seen (Very cool builds)
Cons: - No cons in my opinion
Price: $22,000 ???

- Yacht (here is a link to the Workshop addon) [Steam Workshop:Big Grinrivable yacht (steamcommunity.com)]
Pros: + Lots of fun with friends and great for RP (maybe even more a 1-3 Yacht spawn limit
Cons: - Might be a bit laggy with even 1 Yacht
Price: $460,000 ???

Thank you all for tuning in, I'll be posting my other ideas shortly, stick around and tell me what you guys think!

RE: Boat Vendor @ Docks - Swigs - 12-17-2021

fuck no to yacht, that shit would probably cause the server to burn and crash

I wouldn't be opposed to the HL2 airboat however you can't take damage inside of it rendering you invincible

instead of jetskis I would say a simple motor boat would be better, don't think dudes are jet skiing in that nasty ass NY water. would require a new addon though since the boats from simphys don't work on the water on southside

RE: Boat Vendor @ Docks - nobody_new - 12-17-2021

+1 to something small and simple, however I do believe this would be abused. People would use the boats like they do the cars. To run over people who can’t afford one that swim out to the barge, smash into each other to cause general havoc rather than RP or spawn a vast number of them to race. I’m not sure what else would be available for small watercraft. Something small and relatively slow would do the trick.

RE: Boat Vendor @ Docks - DAWWG - 12-17-2021

HOLLLLY FUCK you both guys fucking crack me up, Nobody I was reading that shit along and fucking starting laughing my ass off drawing that picture in my head, fucking white shirt gets a hold of some cash, steals a boat and fucking kills everyone. Ahhhhhh man that shit was a good fucking laughing.

Swings I agree that would lag the server to high hell, now we just need to look at what possible add-ons could work.