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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - furyturtle - 12-24-2021

Your Name: Claymore Grills

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169747138/

Reason for ban: Metagame, pox6  i think 
Length of ban: 1 month

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): both?

Why should you be unbanned? So i was afk ingame for about 5 min then was pulled to a sit and almost banned while being afk, H445 said for rdming someone after i explained he had been spying on me and i tried to talk to him as he was in a spot above the garrison, i had to run jump on a fence to try and talk to him and the person ran from me and i was giving VERBAL warnings but the person kept running i didnt get to clip it as my medal gets 45seconds and i didnt get it in time. He then sat down and pretended to be AFK from me and i shot him for not complying and then H445 banned me for metagame? i never said metagame any way possible i saw in the sit that he was a cop because sits are OOC and before he banned me i even said i did not see his name to even be able to metagame that he was a cop i could not even get that close to him as he was running from me. 
I do not understand for getting banned for one month and the whole time i was explaining the admin did not care for what i said and even said the other guy was afk and leaving so there was no clip of it nor was there evidence of me metagaming all i said was hes a cop and the admin said ok ur getting banned for metagame now
i can send the sit in the comments of this because this is completely unjust as cole johnson and the admin are friends and because they are cop mains with each other.
I did not fail RP or NITRP, The man was infront of me the whole time, he commited FAIL RP by sitting down on a ledge and changing clothes because i saw him do it. he tried to avoid roleplay because i saw him the whole time because i walked past him and pretended to not see it and another law enforcement character took the sit and no other evidence was used.
I got banned for NITRP which i did not do i actually tried to roleplay the whole time and Metagame was not involved what so ever idk how i got banned for metagame, he avoided roleplay in the end by sitting down and changing clothes, check the logs if u can to confirm that. 
Im honestly not even sure how i got banned for metagame there was 0 evidence for me doing so.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Unfortunately, i did not clip it in time



RE: Ban Appeal - hhhh - 12-24-2021

Hey, so first of all, it's a 5 day ban and not 1 month because I put 5w instead of 5d while banning you. It was edited right after.
I tped you to the sit and you were afk so I went in the support vc with the cop that you rdmed and he had the whole interaction clipped.
He was sitting on public property (next to your gun shop) and was indeed watching you from what I saw in the clip. The thing is you started running behind him without talking to him/giving him any orders and when you both went in city hall, he sat down and you just walked away.
You came back a few seconds later and started talking with someone on your radio, all you did was give your location so more people could come.
After that, you stood behind him for around a minute then just killed him. When I was just about to ban you, you came back so I showed you the rules that were broken

Killing Rules 4) If someone is following/harassing you you may give them warnings to leave you be, if they ignore several warnings and continue you may attack/kill them. (One warning will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you have to give them time to react.)

Killing Rules 12) In the same vein there are still times when you can't shoot police and it would be considered RDM. You may not KOS Police for no reason. They must be specifically targeting you or a faction member for arrest/takedown. You may not kill Officers for simply pulling you over or writing you a traffic citation. You may not kill Officers for giving you a lawful order. (Leave the area, put that away, Identify yourself, etc)

Killing Rules 13) You may attack Officers if they attempt to Arrest/Detain you or a member of your group. Knowing that an arrest or detainment would lead to a FELONY charge (Having illegal guns/drugs/etc.) You are PK active after shooting/killing an officer.

The officer was on public property and was only looking at the gun shop. I also don't understand why you would kill him because your gun shop is a commerce that everyone can access, so nothing illegal can be seen from outside. Even though I took the time to explain the rules to you, you insisted that I was wrong, that the cop was my "ooc best friend" that I was helping out and just started being disrespectful.

The metagame part was because he was wearing plain clothing and no badge so you wouldn't know that he's a cop. (I added metagaming to your ban reason but the 5 days is just for the RDM and the fact that you had multiple previous offenses and bans.)

Edit : Also how is sitting down and changing clothes fail roleplay or avoiding roleplay ?
He saw a person running behind him from far away so he sat down and changed clothing hoping that he wouldn't be seen.
He wasn't acting like he was afk either because he was looking around and changing clothing infront of you.


RE: Ban Appeal - furyturtle - 12-24-2021

In the clip u just showed him stop the rp situation because i purposely walked past him so he would think i didnt see him, as hes changing i am running to him and, which btw it shows him nitrp because he changed clothes sitting down and pretended to not bethere. and in the clip unless u are deaf u can hear me asking him what he was doing and why he was spying but it was in a tone rather condecending. He ignored me so i talked on my radio. He literally commited Fail rp by sitting there and watching me in third person while pretending to be afk and running from me, which the clip does not show. Please show me why he pretended to be afk from my questions and changed clothes to remove himself from the rp situation? The metagame part of my ban btw is unjust u banned me while i was talking i had no clue he was a cop because as u can see i was so far back from him i could not see him name plate to even metagame. If u have the evidence i did please provide that and the evidence where i was banned for NITRP also.

I love how the immediately calls an admin too. It COULD be considered RDM but that still does not constitute a 5 day ban for 2 other things completely unrelated to the situation.

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 12-24-2021

I'll agree, the metagame is circumstantial at best as it doesn't really indicate anything. So I'll remove that reason from the ban.

As for the rest I think H445 is generally on point. Not responding to someone, changing clothes and using thirdperson isn't 'failrp', it's part of the game functions. What's very clear here is you have no real indication that he is spying on you. Someone looking at a public shop then sitting down in a public area is very normal behaviour. Not to mention you failed to warn the person at all. All you did was walk up to him, initiate some loose conversation which he ignored as no one is obligated to reply to someone, then ran away to equip a weapon and execute him. If you were allowed to kill people because you think they were spying and didn't have to warn them then the server would be a mess of 24/7 murder.

Overall this seems like you tunnel vision'd on an invalid kill reason since you were so trigger happy and focused on killing him. you clearly decided you were going to kill him long before you walked to him, which at a certain point is unacceptable. You clearly need to read and better understand the rules as you have now accumulated a lot of bans. I'd advise in the future you ENSURE you have a valid reason to kill someone.

The ban will be reduced to 4 days. Read the rules.